Chapter 322
Although Yunqian didn't care about these things, when she came in, several wives praised Yunqian in front of Su Qiaohui, saying that although she was a woman, she had a commendable bearing and a very kind heart, and she was indeed a model of women in Beijing .

What's more, when she was soliciting donations that day, she actually donated the token of love that Chu Yuanzhou gave her, which was extremely difficult for a woman.

What everyone praised most was that she actually put herself on fire in order to raise money that day. This kind of courage is even more commendable. In order to help the people, she actually ignored her own safety. She is really a model of morality .

Today everyone saw her so calm again, although she couldn't see clearly through the gauze hat, she was definitely dignified and generous.

For a while, everyone gathered around her and chatted, but she just responded calmly.

Her calmness has won a lot of admiration, and everyone is full of praise for her.

Yun Qian thinks that this dynasty's admiration for women is quite interesting, and the standard of dislike and liking is really simple.

She didn't even expect that what happened on the day of disaster relief would have such a big impact on her, which is really a harvest from Yiwai.

Yun Qian didn't feel much about these compliments, but Yun Yan felt extremely uncomfortable. In the past, when the dragon boats were admired on the fifth day of May every year, everyone praised her, saying how beautiful she was, how dignified, and how beautiful she was. How talented.

Just because of that incident this year, everyone forgot about her beauty and talent and praised Yunqian, how could she be reconciled?
Her heart was filled with unbearable depression, but she couldn't get angry in front of everyone.

But at this time, someone not far away whispered: "Look, that is Yun Yan, the young lady of Yunfu."

Yun Yan couldn't help but feel a little happy when she heard people talking about her, she quickly straightened her back, and prepared for the audience to praise her like in previous years.

There was already a point of pride on her face, and she was ready to accept it as calmly as in previous years when everyone praised her, and then said: "These are nothing, your young lady is also very good."

After she had prepared these things in her heart, she heard the man say: "I heard that she was the one who proposed the water control plan, because her piece of paper caused so many people in Huaishui to be displaced, she What an out-and-out villain!"

"I used to hear that she is beautiful and talented, but now it seems that her character is really bad."

"She likes to show off the most. She thinks she has a bit of beauty, and she wants to occupy the elegance of the girls in the capital. It's really ridiculous!"

"A woman's ignorance is virtue. It's really stupid for a woman to meddle in the affairs of the court!"

"They are the same two sisters, yet there is such a big difference. The eldest lady of the Yunfu caused the people to suffer so much. Fortunately, the fifth lady has the heart to love the people and stood up for the people of Huaishui."

Yun Yan's face turned pale immediately, her chest heaved up and down with anger, but she could only bear it.She couldn't tell everyone that the so-called disaster relief idea was originally proposed by Yun Qian!

She felt that she was following Yun Qian's way, and she couldn't express her suffering.

But because of these, he hated Yun Qian even more, and went out of his way to harm her.

Because of this series of events, her original good mood has completely disappeared, and her heart is even more depressed!
(End of this chapter)

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