Chapter 324
Seeing Su Ru like this, Yun Qian suddenly felt better.

Su Ru said joyfully: "Auntie, I heard that you are here, so I hurried over to see you. Our box is next door."

Su Qiaohui nodded with a smile, but frowned slightly: "If so, you look plump a lot recently, girls can't eat too fat?"

Su Ru used to be slender, but now she has become like this, there is no beauty at all.

Su Ru was very troubled by this matter and said: "I don't know what happened recently, even if I don't eat, I keep gaining weight."

The matter of gaining weight recently has always made Su Ru brooding. Although he finds it strange, he doesn't know what's going on.

"Have you let the doctor see it?" Su Qiaohui asked worriedly.

Su Ru nodded and said: "The doctor has seen it, and said that it may be because my intestinal absorption is too good recently, so I have been gaining weight. He has already prescribed medicine for me. I think I will lose weight after a while."

Su Qiaohui breathed a sigh of relief, but Yunqian felt like laughing when she heard it. The doctor who treated Su Rushi was really a quack doctor. Although she poisoned Su Rushi, she was a bit unpopular, but if she encountered medical skills A consummate person can still see some problems, but the doctor actually came to such a conclusion for Su Rushi, Su Rushi just waited to keep gaining weight!
Yunqian drank tea calmly, Su Rushi glanced at her and said, "My fifth cousin has been in the limelight recently in Beijing, and I just heard many people praise her fifth cousin!"

Yun Qian smiled lightly and said, "It's just a compliment, I'm just doing what I should do."

Su Rushi sneered and said, "You can also get appreciation for donations like robbing, fifth cousin, you really opened my eyes."

Yun Qian felt that she was very pitiful and was too lazy to argue with her. If Su Ru was like this all the time, she would not have to think about the antidote that she originally planned to wait for Su Ru to become fat to a certain extent.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Su Ru felt even more unhappy, and was about to sarcastically say a few more words about Yun Qian, but suddenly heard the loud sound of gongs and drums outside.

Everyone looked at the time, and it was not time for the dragon boat show.

The old lady frowned slightly and said, "Could it be that the time of the dragon boat is brought forward this year?"

A maid had opened the window long ago, but she could see blue waves outside the door, and a painted boat gently rowed over.

The old lady frowned slightly and said: "Who is so ostentatious? Before the dragon boat is rowed, no painted boats are allowed to pass by. At this time, not only the painted boats pass by, but also the drums are played with such fanfare. What does this person want?"

Su Qiaohui replied with a light smile: "Xu is a boring kid in Beijing, he just wants to make some limelight today, let's just take a look."

The old lady nodded lightly, but sighed again: "Young people nowadays are getting more and more unruly."

Yun Qian also felt a little curious, but Yunzhi said loudly: "Hey, there seems to be Fifth Sister's name on that painting boat."

Yun Qian was stunned for a moment, but saw that the painting boat was full of flowers. Those flowers used red as the background and white as the characters, forming the big word Yun Qian.

On both sides of the flowers, there are young men standing, all of them are imposing, and they are all one-of-a-kind characters. They all wear white clothes and black shoes, and they use white straps to make leggings, looking extremely energetic.

(End of this chapter)

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