第326章 琴声情话
"But I remembered this time!" The man holding the flute said coldly, his eyes seemed a little angry.

The man who played the drum smiled and said: "You should forget it. This is the song that the prince wants to play for the concubine. If you really finish playing it, what will the concubine play for the concubine next time?"

Everyone burst into laughter when they heard the words, only to realize that the man did it on purpose.

The man snatching the kite also said with a smile: "Don't look at Erhu's usual stupidity, today's words have some meaning, that's all, let the son come back and play it for the concubine Shizi, we don't want to join in the fun here Already!"

The man playing the drum clapped his hands and said, "This is the most suitable way!"

The people watching the excitement all around also laughed. There are many young women who came to watch the dragon boat rowing today. Seeing this scene, they were secretly envious.

It's just that their marriages are all ordered by their parents and the words of the matchmaker. The husbands and sons-in-law are all prudent and self-reliant, so how could they do such a thing.

They had to swear a few words on their mouths, but they were full of fascination in their hearts.

After the boat performance was over, everyone gave a big gift to Yun Qian's box, and then they rowed away very quickly, but they sang with a very rough voice.

When Yun Qian listened carefully to the lyrics, it turned out to be the poem that the tall and thin man loved just now. She was speechless for a while, but she felt a little warm in her heart.Although Chu Yuanzhou did not celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with her, he still gave her a surprise.

Really surprised and delighted!

Yunqian felt that Chu Yuanzhou's thoughts were really very acceptable, and everything he did was shocking to the world.

Her brows and eyes were slightly lowered, remembering the different look she had when she saw him yesterday, she felt a little worried about him for some reason.

Su Rushi was already clenching her fists in anger. She has known Chu Yuanzhou for many years, and she knows that he looks a little unruly on weekdays, but in fact he does things in a very measured manner. She has never seen him treat any woman so favorably. Xin, but that person is Yun Qian!
It was the concubine Yun Qian who was ignored by both the Su Mansion and the Yun Mansion!
Yun Qian who was trampled under the feet of everyone!
How could it be Yunqian!

Su Ru hated it very much, but she was full of helplessness. With her current figure, she dared not see Chu Yuanzhou herself. Looking at Yunqian at this moment, she was so graceful and graceful, so light and beautiful!
She was jealous and hated, she said in front of outsiders that she didn't mind her appearance of gaining weight, but in her heart she cared after all, more than anyone else!

Because Yun Yan was heard by Chu Mo because of what she said before, she was also a little frustrated. Seeing what Chu Yuanzhou arranged for Yun Qian at this moment, her heart was full of jealousy.

She couldn't help thinking, if someone in this world could treat her like this, that would be great!At this moment, she also had some other thoughts about Chu Yuanzhou.

Then came the sound of dragon boat rowing gongs. It is undeniable that Ye Wuchen managed today's dragon boat rowing competition with great vibrancy. The dragon boat race went down.

Ye Wuchen stood on the high platform, with a touch of melancholy in his eyes. Although he was extremely disdainful of what Chu Yuanzhou did, he had to admit in his heart that this time Chu Yuanzhou not only flattered Yun Qian Huanxin also compared him together.

(End of this chapter)

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