Chapter 336 Killing three birds with one stone

Yunluo's face suddenly turned pale, but she understood why everyone trampled on her. She won the first place in the poetry meeting today, so she would naturally attract people's envy. She only wanted to find a good husband, but Unexpectedly, the old things were revealed by everyone.

She knew that once this matter was exposed in public, her reputation would be truly ruined, and she also knew that she had no other choice but to marry Su Dongyan.

In an instant, she had the desire to seek death, and immediately screamed, and ran back to the wing.

Huanyu was in the room and saw what happened outside, she was a little surprised and said: "Fifth Miss, the matter of Fourth Miss has been exposed, how could this happen?"

"It's reasonable." Yun Qian said lightly: "A woman's jealousy is already extremely terrifying, not to mention that at this time, the fourth sister has won the first place. Although she looks beautiful, she will be envied by all women. Moreover, although Master Xu admired my poem, it was not really a good poem that no one has ever written before, and no one will come in the future. The auntie was eager to protect the fourth sister, so she ignored these, and the fourth sister was just a poem. Concubine, most of the people who come here today are concubine daughters. There has always been discord between concubine daughters and concubine daughters. What's more, everyone knows what happened in Baolai Temple last time. , everyone's eyes are focused on my matter, but it doesn't mean that everyone has forgotten about it."

Huanyu looked puzzled and said: "Did Miss Fifth expect such a result when she agreed to compose poems for Miss Fourth?"

Yun Qian's eyes were deep and said: "I just guessed something, but I didn't expect that bastard Su Dongyan to say such things in front of so many people. Everyone in the Su family is really weird. With the power of the Yun Mansion, even if those women have dissatisfied thoughts in their hearts, they will not show it so actively, and nowadays, the jealousy of women is really not ordinary and terrible."

Shuxiu said softly: "I think it was the words of Young Master Biao that became the trigger for the whole thing. And when Master Biao yelled, everyone would guess that it was the wife's idea. In this way, the wife and the eldest lady will definitely be criticized."

Yun Qian smiled, but did not speak. Shuxiu took a look at Yun Qian and said softly, "It's just that Miss and Miss Si are biological sisters. Once this matter spreads, Miss's face will be dull." of."

"It doesn't matter." Yun Qian said disapprovingly: "When they spread my rumors like that, why didn't they think about whether their faces were bright?"

Shuxiu shook her head lightly and said: "This time my aunt is clever but she was mistaken by the clever master."

Yunqian sat there and sighed lightly. When Liu Ying came to her, she refused at first, but Liu Ying threatened him with the matter of water control. Could it be that in Liu Ying's eyes, she Is it really that easy to bully?
Originally, she didn't plan to delve into Yunluo, but she hated others threatening her very much.She also reminded Liu Ying a few words at first, but Liu Ying didn't listen at all.

What happened today forced Yunluo to marry Su Dongyan, trampled Yunyan under her feet, and gave Su Qiaohui a reputation for being unkind. How could she not do something that kills three birds with one stone?
(End of this chapter)

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