Chapter 344 Self-righteous
"This is what I want to ask Eldest Sister." Yun Qian's eyes were no longer warm, and she said slowly: "Whatever Mother and Eldest Sister want to do to me, I will do to you!"

"Don't even think about it!" As soon as Yun Yan finished speaking, she withdrew her hand from Yun Qian's, and then turned her head to leave.

She didn't speak loudly all the time, but she felt that there was still a chance, and she even made up her mind in her heart. She pretended to leave, then picked up an inkstone on the small table next to her, and when she turned around, she directly Beat Yunqian to death.

She felt that she had spent so much thought on Yunqian today and hurt Su Qiaohui even more, so how could she just let it go?

She felt that she was more careful. If she hadn't looked back at Yun Qian, how could she have found the fact that Yun Qian was not drunk at all?

She was still a little proud in her heart, as long as she got that inkstone, Yun Qian's death would come.

She had her own plans in her heart, maliciousness welled up in her eyes unconsciously, and that delicate face was also distorted and deformed.

She has her thoughts, and Yun Qian also has Yun Qian's thoughts. Even though the room is dimly lit at this time, she can still feel Yun Yan's thoughts, and even foresee the crisis she is about to face.

Yun Qian didn't seem to care about these things, smiled lightly, raised her fingers slightly, pinched them into orchid fingers, and then began to count calmly: "One, two, three, down!"

After she finished speaking upside down, Yun Yan felt dizzy for a while, and lost strength in her legs, then fell heavily on the exquisitely carved bed, and then looked at it with a pair of eyes that were no longer energetic. Yunqian, there was a look of disbelief in her eyes, let alone how she fainted.

Yun Qian said with a smile: "Eldest sister and mother have always suspected that we are pretending to be crazy, not really crazy, but they have never been able to find any evidence. Today, I might as well tell elder sister that I have never been crazy, I have always been crazy. Playing crazy."

There was a hint of anger in Yun Yan's bewildered eyes, but the smile on Yun Qian's mouth became more intense. At the next moment, Yun Yan closed her eyes and completely fainted.
There was a touch of disdain in Yunqian's eyes, it was more appropriate for Yunyan to bump into him at this time, Yunyan thought highly of herself, she always thought she was very smart, but today she did something that made Yunqian feel so stupid Extreme thing.

However, she can understand what Yunyan did. Whoever drank so much spirits would not get drunk, but Yunqian had already prepared herself. Apart from being good at using poison, she also has medical skills. It's also amazing, the medicine Yunqian prepared temporarily to relieve the hangover is nothing more than pediatrics.

Yun Qian put Yun Yan on the bed, and then covered her with a quilt. After finishing all this, she was about to leave the room, but before she opened the door, she heard footsteps coming from outside again.

She narrowed her eyes, and hurriedly hid behind the door. The door was gently pushed open, and she saw Yunzheng walking in. She was a little curious about what Yunzheng was doing here?Was it also sent by Su Qiaohui?

Her heart couldn't help but tense, if Yunzheng dared to be unfavorable to her, then she would definitely not show mercy. When she thought of this, her eyes became darker, and she was ready to strike at any time.

But seeing Yunzheng walked to the bed and shook Yunyan gently: "Fifth sister, fifth sister, wake up, don't sleep here again, it's very dangerous here!"

(End of this chapter)

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