Chapter 352
Unexpectedly, after Su Qiaohui glanced at Mo Chou like that, she smiled and said, "Qian'er's temperament is much brighter, if you want to come and take Huanyu and the others to play, you don't have to worry."

The more Su Qiaohui said not to worry, the more worried Mo Chou became.

Su Qiaohui is also aware of this. She has lived in the inner courtyard for a long time and has held the big spoon for many years. There is a quilt, Mochou, go in and get it out for me!"

There was a three-point smile on her face, but Mo Chou was a little nervous in her heart. She had just seen Su Qiaohui's action of unlocking the lock, and she knew that Su Qiaohui had always had some tricks, and she knew how to put on airs of being the mistress. The only thing is to get the bedding, Ping'er can come alone, so why do you need to bring so many maids and women.

Moreover, it was the Duanyang Festival at this time, the weather was already warm, and the thickness of the quilts in each wing room was extremely appropriate, how could it be cold?

When Mo Chou thought of this, her palms were sweating. Needless to say, there must be some unspeakable secret hidden in the house, and that secret must be related to her.

In Ming Zhuang, Yun Qian was the only person who could be related to her.

Mo Chou's heart was filled with chills, and she looked at Su Qiaohui with her beautiful eyes. Su Qiaohui hated Mo Chou's eyes the most. Since she was a child, she felt that Mo Chou's eyes seemed to be able to speak. Now that he is old, even though he was tortured by her in every possible way in the early years, his eyes are still so agile!
She knew that Mo Chou's eyes hooked Yun Jingyan to bed that day, and she wished she could poach Mo Chou's eyes, but she also knew that she couldn't do it today.

When Yun Qian's scandal comes to light, she can poach Mo Chou's eyes however she wants in the future.

Seeing that Mo Chou didn't move, she said in a strange way: "Why, now that I have Zhongfu in my hands, I can't even support you? Even if the master and mother dote on you, after all, you are just a concubine." ! And the word concubine is very nice to say, but after all, she is just a half-servant! You'd better recognize your identity."

Mo Chou was very clear about her words, and never had any other thoughts, she only wanted her and Yun Qian's mother and daughter to be safe.It's just that Su Qiaohui hasn't said such words to her for a long time, and she is very clear in her heart what it means to say it again at this time.

Her hand was gently placed on the door, and her face also became a little pale at this moment.

Seeing Mo Chou's appearance, Su Qiaohui knew that Mo Chou must have guessed something, she felt a burst of joy in her heart, she sneered and said, "It's just taking the bed and bedding, why should sister Mo Chou do this."

She turned her head to Ping'er and said, "Give the lantern to Third Yiniang."

Ping'er responded, but Mo Chou didn't pick up the lantern, and Shuyue, a maid beside her, took the lantern.

Mo Chou took a deep breath, knowing that no matter what kind of trap Su Qiaohui set up for her in the house today, she had no choice but to jump down.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she pushed the door open and led Shu Yue in.

She is afraid of seeing a certain scene, but she also knows that avoiding is not the solution to the problem, no matter how scared she is, she has to face it!When she thought about it, her hands stopped shaking so much.

(End of this chapter)

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