Chapter 354
On the big bed, the two bodies are still entangled.

This time, Yunqian also saw it for real. Even though the things in front of her were as she expected, her eyes were still full of mockery, but she lost her voice and said, "Elder sister!"

However, Yun Yan seemed to not be able to hear her words, she was desperately entangled with the man in the room, and the breath of desire came out from the room, strong and obscene.

Su Qiaohui knew that with such a commotion, everyone in the Yun Mansion would probably see Yun Yan's ugly face, even if she was going to cover it up for Yun Yan, with so many mouths, she was an aunt, a lady, and a servant, and everyone said In a word, Yun Yan's life is probably over.What's more, there are Yun Qian who is wholeheartedly against Yun Yan, and Mo Chou who is wholeheartedly watching her jokes.

She was angry, anxious and angry in her heart, and she was furious all of a sudden. In addition, her body was seriously injured just now, when she rolled her eyes, her legs went limp, and she passed out immediately.

Ping'er was taken aback, quickly helped Su Qiaohui up and said, "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Su Qiaohui's appearance, Mo Chou had a faint disdain in her eyes. This may be a real self-inflicted crime, and such an ending is probably wonderful for Su Qiaohui.

Her thoughts were deep, but she turned her head and glanced at Yun Qian. If Yun Qian hadn't been alert today, she might be the one who would faint on the ground.

When she thought this way, she was still a little scared, she unconsciously walked to Yunqian's side, gently held Yunqian's hand, but turned her head to wink at Shu Yue, and Shu Yue helped Su Qiaohui up together with Ping'er go down.

Yun Qian stood there without moving. Seeing Mo Chou holding her hand, she smiled at Mo Chou, signaling her that the matter was over and she didn't have to worry about her.Seeing Yun Qian's smile, Mo Chou felt a little relieved, but pulled Yun Qian's hand even tighter.

Seeing the scene in the room, Yunluo screamed and turned her head away, and then said loudly, "How could eldest sister do such a thing?"

Although her voice was full of horror, it was hard to hide her gleeful mood.

Liu Ying took a look at Yun Qian, she saw everything that happened just now, like a mirror in her heart, she knew that what happened today had something to do with Yun Qian.

Seeing that Yunqian is so powerful, what happened today must have been planned by Su Qiaohui for a long time, but Yunqian avoided him so lightly and deftly, Yunqian was indeed much more powerful than she imagined.

She thought about what happened to Yunluo today, even though Yunqian helped her, but in the end it pushed Yunluo into the real abyss, Yunqian is so smart, it is impossible not to think of such consequences when helping her, for a while, She was a little bit annoyed with Yunqian again.It's just that she asked Yun Qian for this matter, and the matter didn't develop as she expected, so she couldn't say a word even if she was upset.

She also knew that Su Qiao couldn't even deal with Yun Qian, so instead she brought Yun Yan into it, and she was not Yun Qian's opponent.This kind of Yunqian, harmless on the surface, but extremely scheming, is simply a thorn in the head, whoever provokes her, she will surely stab anyone all over the body.

She didn't speak, she took Yunluo's hand lightly and was about to go back to the room. Seeing that Yunzheng was still standing there, she said, "Zheng'er, it's getting dark, go back to the room and rest!"

Yunzheng responded lightly, went downstairs and returned to her room alone, but she didn't even look at Yunqian before she left, as if the matter of lying in bed with Yunqian just now had never happened.

(End of this chapter)

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