Chapter 359
Eunuch Niu glanced at Yunyan, but saw that although her clothes were tidy, they were a little wrinkled. At a glance, he knew that they were yesterday's clothes. Although her hair was freshly combed, it was not delicate, and her face was pale, without a trace of blood. Even though she had applied makeup, it still couldn't cover her pale complexion.

This appearance has nothing to do with careful grooming.

It's just that Eunuch Niu is also a shrewd person, he just came to preach and doesn't need to ask about other things.

When Yun Yan came down, seeing Chu Mo sitting there, her legs couldn't help but go limp. If Ping'er hadn't supported her in time, she might have rolled down the stairs.

Eunuch Niu said with a smile: "Miss Yun and the third prince are here, our family can make a statement."

Everyone in the room suddenly knelt down, and Eunuch Niu said loudly: "By God, the emperor ordered that Yun Yan, the eldest lady of Yunfu, is talented, intelligent, virtuous and virtuous, with a gentle and elegant temperament, and the third prince Mo is a match made in heaven." , a special gift of marriage! Here it is!"

After reading out the holy vows of marriage, Yun Yan felt mixed feelings for a while. The holy vows were what she wanted wholeheartedly, but at this moment, she really didn't know how to face them.

Chu Mo was right behind her, and she didn't even have the guts to look at Chu Mo.

She knelt there at a loss, and Eunuch Niu shouted again: "Yunyan Chumo accepts!"

When Chu Mo heard the holy letter, his eyes were as deep as the sea, as he had guessed earlier, but now that Eunuch Niu read it like this, he only felt a dull chest.

He had told Concubine De about his marriage with Yun Yan, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

His eyes narrowed slightly, he knew that as long as the holy vows were made, then this marriage would never be changed again, he lowered his head slightly, but said in the most flat tone: "Chu Mo accepts the vows!"

Su Qiaohui pinched Yun Yan lightly with her hand, Yun Yan finally came back to her senses, but said very hollowly: "Yun Yan accepts."

Eunuch Niu's task was completed, and he said a few words of congratulations. Chu Mo had come to his senses at this time, and he said very calmly: "Elder Niu has worked hard today."

He ordered the followers around him to reward Eunuch Niu with some silver. Seeing this, Su Qiaohui quickly rewarded Eunuch Niu.

Eunuch Niu won the reward, but he still felt that something was wrong with today's affairs. He couldn't help but glance at Yun Yan again, and couldn't help but secretly guess, could it be that Yun Yan didn't want to marry the third prince?After thinking about it, he thought it was impossible, but he kept this matter in his heart, didn't say much, and walked away with a few young eunuchs who followed.

Chu Mo stood there quietly for a moment, then stepped lightly, and said calmly: "Mrs. Yun can prepare the dowry for the young lady."

After he said this, he stepped away. He glanced at Yun Qian who was standing aside. Seeing that Yun Qian's eyes were dim, it seemed to him that a slight blessing was considered a salute, but there was no unnecessary expression on his face. , Without making any pause, he lifted his foot and walked away.

When Yunqian saw his gaze, she was actually a little surprised, but saw that his face was as calm as usual, and her eyebrows moved slightly. Such a man was too scheming.

He clearly knew that Yun Yan was no longer a virgin at this time, but he was still able to accept it so calmly. This kind of thing is a great shame to men in this era, and he can still act like a normal person.

(End of this chapter)

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