Chapter 363
After Chu Han finished speaking, he actually wanted to pull Yunqian's hand. Yunqian felt that the most tragic thing in this world was meeting a powerful and powerful Erbaiwu who lost his mind!
Mo Chou's voice came from outside the door. She was afraid that Mo Chou would find out that she was worried about her, so she smiled and said, "The Seventh Prince should think about it!"

She raised her hand lightly, and Chu Han smelled a familiar fragrance again. His head was a little dizzy, but he pointed at Yun Qiandao: "You..."

Yun Qian was too lazy to talk to him, so she punched him on the bridge of the nose with a fist, and said calmly, "Fall!"

Chu Han leaned back and fell heavily to the ground.

Yunqian blew her hand, just now she threw all the medicine powder out, this bastard really didn't worry at all, I hope he will forget everything when he wakes up, and if he bothers her like this again, she It's too lazy to even deal with it.

When she closed the window, Mo Chou came in and asked, "Who were you talking to just now?"

"Mother, did you hear me wrong? There is no one here." Yun Qian said very calmly.

Seeing that there was indeed no one in the room, Mo Chou gently took Yun Qian's hand and said, "I'll go home after packing up, my wife is destroying it."

Yun Qian nodded her head, then followed Mo Chou out with the packed package. When she went out, she didn't look at the window again.

The man who spent the spring night with Yun Yan, because he had let out too much energy, had been lying softly in the room and did not come out. After everyone left, he wobbled and pushed the door out, just in time with the cleaning man. The eunuch met unexpectedly.

The eunuch was stunned for a moment, seeing that the circles under his eyes were black, and he looked extremely listless, and he came out of Miss Yunfu's room again, so he was startled. When he turned around, a sword cut his throat, and he was stunned. He fell to the ground without saying a word.

After the man went downstairs, he went to use the toilet. As soon as he walked in, he didn't smell the smell, but he smelled a fragrance. He was wondering, so he fell into the latrine without even struggling. .

When they returned to Yun Mansion, everyone was very tacit and didn't say a single word, let alone what happened last night.

When they arrived at Yun Mansion, Yun Yan was helped out of the carriage by Ping'er, who opened the door to call Su Qiaohui, but found her half lying on the carriage and motionless, Ping'er was shocked, and quickly got into the carriage to take Su Qiaohui Get off the carriage.

Su Qiaohui had already fainted, and everyone hurriedly carried her back to the room, and then hurried to ask for a doctor.

Yun Yan had already cried to the point of tears, she originally wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry, but now that Su Qiaohui was like this, she also had a reason to cry, and she burst into tears all of a sudden.

Seeing her crying, Yun Qian raised her mouth slightly, this crying was just the beginning, and Yun Yan would cry in the future.

She gave Su Qiaohui a cold look. In the past, Su Qiaohui deliberately wanted to harm her, wanted to take Mo Chou's life, and made Mo Chou's life worse than death. She would beg for everything that was added to their mother and daughter earlier. return.

When she was drinking with the wine jar last night, she naturally added some ingredients to the wine jar, and then gave Su Qiaohui a few sips. The wine is extremely strong, but the medicine is extremely slow.

Spirits and poison are usually easy to destroy, and this time is no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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