Chapter 368
Even if the man in Yunqian's memory was facing her and was incomparable, and the man in front of her only saw the profile, she could still recognize him at a glance as him!
She couldn't help but startled, an extremely strange emotion rushed towards her, making her feel uncomfortable.

When the feeling of discomfort arose, she only felt a touch of sadness rose in her heart, and the sadness quickly swept over her whole body, and her body couldn't help shaking slightly.

She was really curious, who was that man?Why did the deity of her body mistake him for Ye Wuchen?
Seeing her standing there like that, the man seemed quite surprised, but he turned his head away, walked away on the blue waves without saying a word.

Yunqian couldn't control the throbbing of her body, she sat down on the ground.

Her heart lake was originally a little messy, but after seeing that man, it became even more chaotic.

There was a bird song in the sky, and as soon as she looked up, she saw the white rice flying over, and then landed beside her, staring at Yunqian with a pair of fiery red eyes, and then combing its snow-white fur with her mouth .

Yun Qian touched the white rice and asked, "Where have you been these few days?"

Bai Mimi closed and opened his eyes, turned his head away in a high-end manner, as if saying that the question Yunqian asked was too idiotic, it can go wherever it wants, that is its privacy, she has no right to ask.

Yunqian stretched out her hand and patted it on the head and said: "If you really give you three points of color, you will open a dyeing workshop. Look, you will be frightened."

Bai Mifan yelled in protest, and Yunqian sighed softly again, "Did you see that man in white when you came here just now?"

Bai Mimi nodded, Yunqian stroked its wings and said, "Follow him, see where he goes, and tell me when he comes back."

The white rice fluttered its wings, but didn't fly, Yun Qian said angrily, "I'll give you more rice when I'm back!"

Bai Mimi suddenly opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth and threw himself in front of Yunqian. Yunqian was startled, and took a step back and said, "What are you doing so fiercely? Don't eat rice if you don't want it! No one will force you to eat it!"

The white rice flapped its wings again, strong and powerful. Seeing its appearance, Yunqian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered what Chu Yuanzhou had told her about white rice, and she seemed to realize something.

When she looked at the white rice again, she felt that it seemed to have grown a lot. Its long neck was more noble than that of a swan, and its snow-white feathers shone brightly in the sun. Its eyes were as red as jewels, extremely bright and red. The beak is not too long, but it has the characteristics of a carnivorous bird.

Yunqian also studied birds in her previous life, and could recognize more than a thousand kinds of birds, but white rice was not like any of them. It was more noble than swans, and its eyes were sharper than eagles. The one that sprang down from the air moved like flowing clouds and flowing water, even more sensitive than the big eagle.

Chu Yuanzhou said it was born in an extremely cold place, what kind of fire phoenix is ​​it, can't it be true?

She blinked her eyes and said, "Get this thing done, and I invite you to eat a lot of meat!" Her hand gestured in a big circle.

As soon as she finished speaking, the white rice flew out with flapping wings.

This came down quickly and violently, bringing with it a huge wind. Yun Qian was caught off guard and almost fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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