Chapter 388
"Who knows." Princess Qionghua folded her hands on her chest and said, "Anyway, they haven't stopped. Qianqian just wait here until the boat returns, other things are out of your hands now."

After Yun Qian heard Princess Qionghua's words, she knew that she had something to hide from her, but Princess Qionghua no longer paid attention to her, and walked out after saying this, Yun Qian frowned, but I also know that if Princess Qionghua is unwilling to tell her something, then Princess Qionghua will not say a word more.

Because of those rumors, the gates of King Chu's mansion were closed tightly, and King Chu didn't say much about this matter.

Yun Qian felt that it was not a problem to wait in Cailian Bieyuan all the time. Princess Qionghua was also running around to inquire about the news these days, and every time she went out calmly, she yelled at her when she came back.

Yun Qian closed her eyes slightly, and decided to go to Chu Palace.

When she arrived at the concierge, she sent a letter of greeting from King Jing Chu, and the concierge went in and passed it on and took her into a flower hall.

Standing in the flower hall, Yunqian couldn't help feeling a little nervous. Chu Yuanzhou had told her earlier that the king of Chu didn't like her, and he didn't approve of her marriage with Chu Yuanzhou.

It's just that she thought about it this time, and felt that she needed to ask the King of Chu.

If Chu Yuanzhou really rebelled, then Chu Palace must be the first to be affected.

But today, the Chu Palace's gate was closed, other than that, there were no other abnormalities, so she felt that this incident might not be as bad as she imagined.

And these are just guesses after all, she also has some doubts in her heart, under the foggy situation, she has too many things that she can't figure out.

She had something on her mind, and she was not in the mood to appreciate the beauty of Chu Palace, but she was a little restless after all standing there.

Yunqian waited in the flower hall for about a quarter of an hour, but the King of Chu did not arrive, but a very dignified woman came. A dark green 48-piece Xiang skirt, only a bulrush is inserted slantly on her head, and there is a red mole on the tip of her eye. Even though she has passed the age of Huaxin, because of proper maintenance, her skin is white and tender, as beautiful as ever. How old is the girl.

It's just that her eyes are calm and steady, and there are traces of time in her eyes. Although the demeanor in her eyebrows looks very gentle, Yun Qian can see the coldness in her eyes.

Seeing her appearance, Yunqian secretly guessed that she might be the Princess of Chu, and then gave a gentle salute and said, "I have seen the princess."

The woman's surname is Lu Mingzhu, but she is not the main concubine of the King of Chu, but a side concubine. Yun Qian's words about the concubine and empress are very suitable for her.

There was a faint smile in Lu Zhu's eyes and said: "Miss Yun, you don't have to be polite, I really don't dare to bear that sentence, I'm just the side concubine of Chu Palace."

That's what she said, but Yun Qian had to finish the whole ceremony before letting the maid beside her help Yun Qian up.

As soon as Yunqian saw Lu Zhu's appearance, she knew that Lu Zhu didn't like her, and today's score was well placed, she said softly: "The side concubine is so dignified, I just took a look and didn't dare Take a second look."

Lu Zhu smiled and said: "You have such a sweet mouth, no wonder Shizi cares so much about you."

After she finished speaking, she sat down on the main seat, and Yun Qian sat down beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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