Chapter 394 Be Your Slave
Yunqian glanced at Ye Wuchen and said quietly: "I understand Mr. Ye's intentions, but if I remember correctly, Mr. Ye once wanted to kill me a month ago, and it was only a short period of one month. Ye Gongzi has changed so much, I am a little hard to accept, and I am also a little shocked. Regarding Ye Gongzi's changed emotions, I don't think I have this blessing to enjoy."

"Why, are you afraid that I will plot against you?" Ye Wuchen said calmly.

Yun Qian raised his eyebrows in acquiescence, but Ye Wuchen said again: "But it's normal for you to have this idea, and I would think the same, but Yun Qian, do you know that people's hearts will change. It is undeniable that you When I refused, I was ashamed and annoyed. I really wanted to let you die. It’s just that after thinking about it, everyone has their own choice. You just didn’t choose me. From the point of view of the matter itself, you are not wrong, I Why bother to hate you anymore? Besides, if I really kill you, I will never see you again in the future, even if I let out the tone in my heart, I am afraid that I will still have a lifetime of regrets. "

He spoke in a long tone, and his words were extremely calm. Those beautiful eyebrows and eyes were always as warm as water, but slightly sad. After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Yun Qian, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

Yun Qian didn't expect him to say that, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but the words he said made people feel true and credible, she used to look down on Ye Wuchen in her heart, but now Only then did I realize that this man was actually extremely difficult.

His thoughts are meticulous and deep, and these words are just right.

Yun Qian faintly smiled and said, "Young Master Ye is so frank, but I can't answer."

"Are your worries relieved now?" Ye Wuchen asked with a smile.

He looks good when he smiles, his slightly curved eyebrows and eyes are full of warmth like jade, unassuming, but affectionate, warm and just right.

Yun Qian coughed lightly but did not answer, but Ye Wuchen asked again: "At this time, would you like to ask me a question, what will happen if I lose?"

Yun Qian smiled and said, "Master Ye has already asked me the second time, if I don't ask again, it seems too impolite."

Ye Wuchen looked at her with a smile, and she said solemnly: "If the son returns to the capital to marry me before the eighth day of the lunar new year, what will Master Ye plan to lose?"

"If Chu Yuanzhou comes back before the eighth day of the lunar new year, then I will be your servant from now on, and I will be by your side for the rest of my life." Ye Wuchen's tone was very light, and his voice was slightly low, saying It is also very slow, but the words that come out are beyond doubt.

Yun Qian was really surprised to hear his words, she frowned slightly and said, "This bet, no matter whether Mr. Ye wins or loses, seems to be a lifetime bet, isn't it too heavy?"

"Didn't you always want to trample me under your feet? I will give you this chance now." Ye Wuchen said slowly.

Yun Qian chuckled and said, "Young Master Ye's words are a bit serious. In fact, I didn't think about trampling anyone under my feet. I just wanted to live my own life. What you said is just to provoke me to take this gamble. , this seemingly harmless situation to me, in Young Master Ye's heart, I'm afraid it's not just what's on the surface!"

"How to say?" Ye Wuchen asked.

(End of this chapter)

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