Chapter 396
After Yunqian heard what Princess Qionghua said, she also figured out some things that she didn't understand at first. She laughed at herself. When Ye Wuchen saw her in the afternoon, she felt that things were not what she saw on the surface. So simple.

She would not be narcissistic to think that all Ye Wuchen did was just to get her.

It turned out that there were so many royal family battles behind this incident, and she was probably just a trophy in the whole incident.

She thought about the day when the donation was raised. Although she didn't understand government affairs, she felt that what happened that day had something to do with Chu Yuanzhou's trip to the Huaishui River for disaster relief. She sighed softly.

Up to now, it is no longer necessary to ask Princess Qionghua about some things, she already has the answer in her heart.

It turned out that she was still narcissistic. Earlier, she thought that Chu Yuanzhou was doing the fundraising for her, but now it seems that it is not the case.

She was slightly disappointed in her heart, but she just thought again, under the imperial power, she and he each got what they wanted that day, so there was nothing to care about, no matter what, his concern for her was true .

Yun Qian became calm after thinking about it, she turned her head to look at Princess Qionghua and said, "I've disturbed my sister for the past few days, and I already know about the things now, and I think my son can handle those things in the future, so I don't have anything to do with it." I'm so worried. My aunt is still locked in the woodshed, and I'll go back to Yun Mansion tomorrow morning."

Princess Qionghua was a little surprised and said: "If you go back now, aren't you afraid that Master Yun will deal with you?"

"Father is careful with each other. Before this matter is completely settled, he will not do too much to me. And today is the fifth day of the new year, and the eighth day will be three days later. I should go back and prepare Those who get married should have everything." Yun Qian said lightly.

Princess Qionghua was a little anxious, she said loudly: "That's just your speculation, if Xiao Chuan'er can't come back before the eighth day of the lunar new year, what are you going to do?"

Yun Qian's eyes were deep, and Princess Qionghua gritted her teeth and said, "You don't really want to marry Ye Wuchen, do you?"

Yun Qian shook her head and said, "I have nothing to do with Ye Wuchen in this life, so why would I marry him again?"

"Then it's too risky for you to go back like this, I won't allow it!" Princess Qionghua frowned.

But Yun Qian said with a smile: "Sister, are you trying to persuade me to marry Ye Wuchen if the eldest son doesn't come back on the eighth day?"

Princess Qionghua closed her eyes slightly, sighed softly and said, "Qianqian, you can definitely wait for the boat with me for a while longer."

Yun Qian's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "My sister's words are not right. There is such a big disturbance in the capital, and the prince will not know everything on the Huaishui side. My father knows how to put eyeliner everywhere. If you want to come, you can, not to mention that there are the second prince, fifth prince and sister in the capital. If he wants to come back, no one can stop him."

Princess Qionghua didn't know what to say when she heard the words, Yun Qian smiled and said: "I know that my sister has a lot of things to hide from me, don't let me know, I won't ask, and my sister doesn't have to tell me."

As soon as she finished speaking, she turned and went back to the room.

Princess Qionghua stomped her foot lightly, glanced at Yun Qian, but did not stop her after all.

After Yunqian returned to her room, she asked Huanyue and Shuxiu to pack up and prepare to return to Yunfu tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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