Chapter 399
Yun Qian's words hit Yun Yan's pain, and Yun Yan said angrily: "Yun Qian, mother has already said, don't mention that matter again!"

"That thing? Which thing?" Yun Qian smiled slightly.

Yun Yan's face turned pale immediately, and when she turned her head, she saw that many maids in the room were looking at her with wide eyes, and when she saw her eyes, they turned their eyes away one by one.

Yun Yan was so angry that she was half dead, she said angrily: "Yun Qian, is it the rumor you let out in the mansion?"

"Rumors? What rumors?" Yun Qian said with a smile, "I'm not in the mansion these days."

Yun Yan's eyes were red, what happened that night was a shame in her life, she jumped up in anger, and she was about to lose her mind soon, but Yun Qian said unhurriedly: "If it's about rumors, it's better for eldest sister Go ask Fourth Sister and Auntie, after all, Fourth Sister also saw that incident."

Yun Yan was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and Yun Qian said lightly: "By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell my eldest sister. When I left that night, I saw a man around the corner. It's a bit like the third prince."

When Yun Yan heard her words, she suddenly felt thunderous, and she said angrily: "How is it possible!"

"Well, I also think it's unlikely." Yun Qian smiled and said: "The third prince is such a person who abides by etiquette, how could he come to the residence of Miss Mingfu in the middle of the night, I think I am dazzled."

Her two simple sentences, one made Yunyan into a state of madness, and the other made Yunyan into a state of suspicion. For a moment, Yunyan's heart was ups and downs, and she didn't know what to do.

Compared with dealing with Yunqian, her life's major event is the real major event. If the matter of that night is really seen by the third prince, then should she still be a human being?

What happened in Ming Zhuangli that day was arranged by Chu Mo. If he heard the news, he might go and take a look, and since he had always followed the etiquette, it was very likely that he would not go and take a look.

When she thought of this, her heart became a mess.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Did you see the third prince that night?"

Yun Qian thought about it very seriously and said, "It seems to be there, it seems not."

Her ambiguous answer made Yun Yan want to go crazy, Yun Yan roared: "What do you mean there seems to be, and it seems not?"

Seeing her appearance, Yunqian smiled slightly and said, "It's been a few days, and the night was dark, so I couldn't see clearly, so I'm not sure. Do you want the third prince to see it or not?" Don't want the Third Prince to see it?"

Yun Yan looked at Yun Qian with red eyes, those eyes were as sharp as knives, she just wanted to tear Yun Qian to pieces.

Yun Qian said with a leisurely smile: "Actually, I'm really not sure what happened that night. If Eldest Sister really wants to know, you can ask the Third Prince directly."

There are many kinds of mind-killing techniques in this world, not only Su Qiaohui knows it, but Yun Qian also knows it. She knows that with just a few simple words, Yun Yan might be an ant on the hot pot these days.

Yun Yan stomped her feet, turned around and left, and the maid who followed her hurriedly followed.

Mochou said beside Yunqian: "Qian'er..."

Yun Qian interrupted her and said, "Mother, don't be soft-hearted, she came here to bully us this time."

Mo Chou sighed softly, and Yun Qian's complexion became more solemn, not as calm as before.

(End of this chapter)

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