Chapter 402
Yunqian knew what she was thinking, so she patted Shuxiu on the shoulder lightly and said, "When Huanyu goes out, you go out with her, and you go when they are all paying attention to Huanyu."

Shuxiu nodded slightly, although she had doubts in her heart, she didn't ask any more.But she sighed for Yunqian again in her heart, she was as smart as Yunqian, but at this time she also bowed her head to Su Qiaohui, but this time she bowed her head just right.

Huanyu opened the door, looked around first, and then walked out quickly. As Yunqian expected, as soon as she left, someone followed her, but Huanyu was not stopped.

When Shuxiu saw the gap, she quickly got out from the side.

Seeing this in the room, Yun Qian's eyes deepened.

Mo Chou was much more shrewd than the girls, but she couldn't figure out what Yun Qian was going to do. She asked softly, "Qian'er, don't you really want to curry favor with Su Qiaohui?"

"In our situation, it's normal to please her, and it's weird not to please her." Yun Qian said slowly: "Didn't they always want me to be subdued? I'll just subdue and show them. Su Qiaohui is sick. It's so heavy, I have to make her happy."

Mo Chou sighed softly after hearing her words.

When Huanyu arrived at Liu Ying's place, a person following her stood outside and listened.

Huanyu bowed to Liu Ying and said: "Miss Wu has been restrained. My wife has ordered the big kitchen not to let them eat for Miss Wu. We can't go out either. This time I have to trouble Auntie Zhou Quan to give Wu a meal." The lady prepares some food."

Liu Ying said indifferently: "Miss Wu has helped us before, but this time she is in trouble, I will never stand by and watch."

Huanyu took out the ingot ingot from her bosom and handed it over, "This is the money my lady has saved for a long time. My aunt is so generous and helpful. The lady ordered me not to let my aunt give any more money."

The people outside the door saw the ingot of silver, their eyes flashed coldly, there was no need to look at the matter up to this point, they turned their heads and left immediately.

Liu Ying saw that the silver ingot weighed five taels. She knew that last time Yunqian got back the monthly money from Su Qiaohui for the past few years. Well, that's what I was supposed to do."

Huanyu hurriedly said: "Miss Wu has ordered, please don't accept this ingot of silver."

Liu Ying said a few more polite words before accepting the money. After Huanyu left, she picked up the money and looked at it carefully.

Yunluo walked in and said, "Auntie, where can such a large ingot of silver come from?"

Liu Ying repeated what Cai Huanyu said just now, Yunluo sneered and said, "Isn't Yunqian very arrogant in the past? There will be a day when you know how to ask for help!"

Liu Ying picked up the money and looked at it, saying: "She is clever, and she is also a person who knows how to bring money. It's just that if the eighth son doesn't come back to Beijing to marry her at the beginning of June, she will be nothing." Now, I know how to be a man with my tail between my legs.”

Yunluo snorted lightly and said, "Auntie doesn't really want to help her, does she?"

"It's natural to help." Liu Ying's eyes were deep and authentic: "Now the master's attitude is not too clear, and I said those soft words to her earlier, how can we be too extreme now. Besides, she really helped us when she was in Mingzhuang last time."

(End of this chapter)

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