Chapter 503 Xiliang Princess
Yunqian turned her head and saw a beautifully dressed woman sitting at the bottom. Although she was old, she was a naturally seductive woman, and her voice was even sweeter. A little more charm unique to adult women.

When she heard those words, she knew that this woman must be the concubine De, the mother concubine of the third prince Chu Mo. De Concubine has been favored and loved all these years, and her status in the palace is second only to the empress. She is also a woman with great means .

Yunqian gave her a gentle gift, and she reached out and pulled out a hairpin and stuck it on Yunqian's head, saying, "I heard that the concubine and Yan'er have a very good relationship, after Yan'er and the third prince get married, you two Sisters need to move around more."

"That's natural." Yun Qian agreed softly.

The queen saw that Concubine De had brought Yun Qian closer with a few words, and her eyes immediately became darker, but her investigation revealed that the relationship between Yun Qian and Yun Yan was not as good as the rumors said, and she didn't need to add more Worry.

But Yun Qian's respectful look made her feel that Yun Qian was also a scheming person.

I'm afraid the future will be even more interesting.

The empress dowager, empress and imperial concubine all appreciated Yun Qian, and the other concubines also expressed their appreciation one by one.

At this moment, Eunuch Zhu's voice rang out: "Princess Xiliang Snow Mountain Saintess, please see me!"

Chu Yuanzhou couldn't help but tighten his heart when he heard the words "Snow Mountain Saintess", and he couldn't help but tighten Yun Qian's hand.

Yun Qian is so sensitive, she felt Chu Yuanzhou's strangeness immediately, she turned her head and glanced at him, saw that his eyes were dark and his face was slightly unnatural, Yun Qian couldn't understand how thick Chu Yuanzhou's usual face was, Seeing him like this now, a guess arose in her heart.

That guess made Yun Qian's eyes darken. Who is the Snow Mountain Saintess? Although her former soul was thinking of Ye Wuchen, she had heard many legends about the Snow Mountain Saintess.

The Snow Mountain Saintess is not so much a saint, but a princess of Xiliang. Xiliang is located in the far west, half of the country's borders are high mountains, and half of those high mountains are extremely high snow mountains.

Xiliang Kingdom advocates divination of celestial phenomena, and divination of celestial phenomena can only be done by women, and requires the most noble princess.

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain is the most honorable first-born princess of the Xiliang royal family in this world. She is gifted and intelligent, and she has shown an unparalleled talent at a very young age. She is a genius in divination, and she can learn it easily.

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain is the dream lover of all men in the world. It is rumored that she is unparalleled in beauty, better than flowers and jade, more fragrant than jade, skin whiter than snow, hair as black as waterfalls, and can be called the most beautiful woman in the world.

It is said that her eyes are so beautiful that anyone who looks at her eyes will be fascinated by her and cannot extricate themselves.

Because she was so beautiful, no matter how jealous women in the world were, no one dared to be jealous of her.

Thinking of these rumors, Yunqian's eyes darkened.

A woman with outstanding beauty, great talent and such a noble status has always been God's pet. God is really unfair to add so many advantages to one person.

The Empress Dowager chuckled and said, "It's really rare for the Xiliang Kingdom to send a saint to pay tribute. Earlier, the saint said that she would enter the palace today to impart beauty skills to the concubines in the harem. We have been waiting here for a long time. She came a bit late."

(End of this chapter)

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