Chapter 506: Yesterday's Yellow Flower
The corners of Yunqian's eyes raised slightly and he said, "It's a deal. Today, I broke this peach blossom for the son of the son. Tomorrow, the son will send me ten handsome and talented men for me to choose from. How about it?"

Chu Yuanzhou blinked and said: "It sounds like I'm at a loss for asking me to give my wife a man, Qianqian, you're really challenging my limits, are you asking me to cuckold myself?"

Yunqian raised his eyebrows, but he said again: "If Qianqian believes in my vision, I can choose a lot of men for Qianqian. I will never wear a green hat for myself."

As soon as the Snow Mountain Saintess arrived, both the Empress Dowager and the Empress greeted her. She saluted gracefully, and the Empress had already helped her up and invited her to take a seat. She glanced slightly, and happened to see Chu Yuanzhou blowing Yun Qian's nose, and then saw Yun Qian pinch his nose, and then saw the two of them chuckling and talking there as if no one was there.

Her complexion was as usual, but her eyes covered by the ribbon were full of darkness, but she walked up to Chu Yuanzhou slowly and said, "Yuanzhou, long time no see, how have you been lately?"

Her voice is also extremely beautiful, like pearls falling on a jade plate, and a silver bell twitching lightly.

Her tone is also full of concern, so gentle and soft that it seems to be able to pull people's heartstrings.

Yunqian has seen many women, but she has never seen a woman like the Snow Mountain Saintess. Her gestures are elegant and charming, dignified and charming.

The Snow Mountain Saintess came towards Chu Yuanzhou, attracting the attention of the concubines, but the crowd didn't say much.

Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, seeing the appearance of the Snow Mountain Saintess, she somewhat understood why Chu Yuanzhou was tempted, such a woman, no man in the world could escape her charm.

Chu Yuanzhou was still holding Yunqian's hand, with a faint smile on his face, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up, "Please worry about the saint, I'm doing well. I haven't seen the saint for a few years, the saint The more vulgar you are, the more I, an ordinary person, dare not stare at me."

His tone was as usual with a hint of ruffian, the corners of his eyes and brows were all indifferent, those eyes like a deep pool were a little nervous before she came over, and when he saw her eyes, he My heart has already let go.

The past years, no matter how good they were, have passed.

She once left a deep mark in his heart, but after all these years of wind and frost, it has already been slowly worn away.

On his and Yunqian's wedding night, when he heard that she was coming to Dazhou, it was undeniable that he had an urge to visit her at that time, but after arriving in the purple bamboo forest, the urge faded away.

No matter how good she was, to him it was nothing but dusty past, a time gone forever, it was useless to miss her, useless to miss her, and useless to meet again.

When he made up his mind to marry Yunqian, he had already let her go.

See or not, it doesn't matter anymore.

This was the excuse he made for himself at the time. Thinking about it now, he was still a bit afraid and a bit contradictory at that time.

At that moment, what he thought of was not the alluring face of the snow-capped saint, but Yun Qian's indifferent and sly smile.

But at this moment, he was holding Yun Qian's hand, but his heart was extremely quiet. He never knew better than now that Yun Qian was his true love in his heart.

To him, the Saintess of the Snow Mountain is just a yellow flower of yesterday, and the snow melts in winter.
I recommend "The Evil King Training the Concubine: Don't Mess With the Concubine's Daughter" with a smile and looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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