Chapter 509
The queen asked: "The saint's skin is more radiant than snow, and it is softer and smoother than that of children. I wonder if the saint has a secret recipe for beautiful skin?"

The Snow Mountain Saintess said with a smile: "I often wash my face with snow mountain water. The snow water is pure, and the skin is naturally pure. The empress's skin is also very delicate, but it doesn't have much luster. If you take my Snow Skin Pill, you can Empress Bao stays young forever."

As soon as she said this, the other concubines were a little disappointed. Knowing that her snow skin pills are hard to come by, and the quantity is limited, they will definitely give all the snow skin pills to the queen at this time. In the future, they will have to act according to the queen's face .

Concubine De said from the side: "The beauty of the saint is unparalleled in the world, and she has a lot of research on beauty techniques. Xuefu pills are very good, but the training of the saint is also quite troublesome. Is there an easier recipe? "

The Snow Mountain Saintess chuckled lightly and said: "Women have always studied the matter of cosmetology, and the usual prescriptions may not be effective. I got a new prescription, and the beauty effect is very good, but... ..."

"Just what?" Concubine De said urgently, "The holy lady speaks directly."

The Holy Maiden of the Snow Mountain said with some embarrassment: "It's just that the prescription needs high-quality pink pearls as a guide. Although there is no shortage of pearls in the palace, there are not many pink pearls, let alone treasures that are more than ten years old."

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone's eyes fell on Yun Qian. Just now, the queen gave Yun Qian a box of pink pearls, each of which was more than ten years old.

Yun Qian knew what everyone was thinking, so she didn't wait for everyone to talk about it, so she smiled lightly and said, "Just now the Empress gave me a box of pearls, and now I will also borrow flowers to present Buddha and give it to the Empress, wishing her eternal youth."

The queen frowned and said, "That was given to you by the palace, how can you take it back?"

"It was given to me by the empress just now, and now I am honoring the empress." Yun Qian's words were eloquent.

The queen said with a smile all over her face: "The concubine is really filial."

Yun Qian smiled and sent the pearls to the queen. The Snow Mountain Saintess was sitting beside the Queen. As soon as she walked over, she saw the bright eyes of the Snow Mountain Saintess. The moment Yun Qian saw her eyes, she suddenly felt A little dizzy, she lost her balance and fell forward.

A pair of strong hands supported her, and Chu Yuanzhou's gentle voice said in her ears: "You are really tired these days, you should rest earlier tonight."

When Yunqian heard his voice, she suddenly came back to her senses, only to realize that the box in her hand had been lifted high, as if it was about to hit the queen on the head. The queen's eyes were full of surprise at this time.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Yun Qian felt a chill all over her body. She used to pretend to be crazy but always had a clear heart. What happened at this time was really weird.If she smashed it down, it would definitely hit the Queen's head.

The empress is no better than Su Qiaohui, who would have an accident if she hit her in front of so many people, not to mention the empress treated her so well just now, she would be scolded to death if she did this, otherwise she would have to go to jail.

Even if she had a history of being insane, she might be exempt from punishment, but the reputation of a lunatic might be firmly attached to her head.At this time the queen mother is also here, she made such a incident when she entered the palace for the first time, I am afraid that the queen mother will not be able to tolerate her in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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