Chapter 511 A Big Gift

The Empress Dowager's eyes moved slightly and she said: "The saint's divination skills are unparalleled in the world, but she doesn't easily do divination. Today, she offered to do divination for Qian'er, which is extremely rare. This is a generous gift."

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain lightly gave a gift and said, "Divination is the most energy-intensive technique, and it is easy to be punished by the heavens, so I seldom do divination, and I haven't done it for several years. My son and I are old friends." , and it coincides with the eldest son's big wedding, if you don't give any gifts, it's really unreasonable."

The queen laughed beside her and said, "The hexagrams divination by the saintess are the most effective. Ten thousand gold is hard to find. I have asked the saintess for divination but she shirked it. Qian'er, you are really lucky!"

Yunqian felt that the words of the Saintess of the Snow Mountain were too empty. With what she said just now, she would not think that the Saintess of the Snow Mountain would have any kindness, so she said softly, "You are welcome, Saintess. I am a coward. It's just an ordinary woman who doesn't dare to spy on the secrets of the sky, fearing that she won't be blessed to enjoy them. The empress is a noble lady, she is the mother of a country, she should be able to bear this day, so I want to give this opportunity to the empress, I don't know the saint how about?"

The Empress had asked the Holy Maiden of the Snow Mountain for divination many times before, and she always wanted to ask the Holy Maiden of the Snow Mountain whether her eldest prince could ascend to the throne, but the Holy Maiden of the Snow Mountain had known her thoughts for a long time. The saintess avoided it with clever words, and didn't want Yunqian to take the initiative to give up this opportunity to the queen. The queen was naturally very happy, and she looked at the snow mountain saint with some expectation.

The Snow Mountain Saintess said with a smile: "This is my wedding gift to the concubine. It is understandable that the concubine gave it to the empress, but in this way, do you look down on me?"

"The saint's words are serious." Yun Qian said with deep eyes: "It's just that I don't like to ask about the things behind me, and my future life is really nothing compared to the things in the Great Zhou Dynasty. What."

After hearing the words of the Saintess of the Snow Mountain, the Empress was a little unhappy and said: "The Saintess thinks that this Palace is not worthy for the Saintess to divination?"

"The Queen's words are serious, of course I don't mean that." The Snow Mountain Saintess said softly: "It's better like this, I will first make up a divination for the Queen's Empress today, and then send another divination to the Shizi Concubine. How about next?"

"If that's the case, it really couldn't be better." The queen got her wish, and she didn't want to have any more troubles.

Susu followed the Snow Mountain Saintess into the palace today to serve her. After hearing the Snow Mountain Saintess's words, Susu's eyes were worried, but she didn't say much.

After serving the Snow Mountain Saintess to take a bath, she took out the spirit weapon used by the Snow Mountain Saintess for divination. Inside was a disc about an inch thick, and a gold spoon was placed on the plate. Yun Qian saw that The golden spoon reminds me of the ancient Chinese compass, Sinan.

The disc was engraved with scales, and it was written in extremely ancient characters, which Yun Qian didn't recognize.

Su Su took out another [-] gold sticks, and those signs were written in extremely mysterious characters, which no one could understand except the Snow Mountain Saintess.

In addition, there is a pair of silver plates. There is a golden hexagram image in the silver plate. The golden hexagram is in the shape of a tadpole, which fits with a silver tadpole.

When Chu Yuanzhou saw Susu displaying these things, he couldn't help but sighed softly, and said softly: "She seems to be playing for real today, Qianqian, when she divination for you later, you will Never look her in the eye."

Yun Qian asked, "What would happen if you looked into her eyes?"
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(End of this chapter)

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