Chapter 519
The Snow Mountain Saintess narrowed her eyes, and suddenly felt that the man in front of her was no longer the person she knew in the past.

Chu Yuanzhou's voice was cold: "In my heart, looking at Qianqian's previous events, I think she is very wise and stupid. The princess may not understand what life is like for a concubine who is not favored by a rich family, and what she is facing. In front of the living, there are only two roads in front of her. One is to be too clever, but she is easy to be jealous if she shows too much sharpness, and she will die faster. The other is to pretend to be crazy, no matter how cruel the struggle in the back house is, But if the mother-in-law and sister-in-law couldn't tolerate even a lunatic, it would be just a joke if it spread. If Qianqian hadn't met me, I think she would have been crazy until she left Yunfu."

His words spoke out the aspirations of all the women present, everyone here is a master of palace fighting, although the Prime Minister's Mansion is not as complicated as the Imperial Palace, it is not much better.Women's fights are never won by the court, and they are even more dangerous than the court where men fight.

His words also straightforwardly pointed out that Yunqian was never really crazy, her stupidity was just to cover up her unparalleled beauty, and she just wanted to find a safe place to live and live in the prime minister's mansion.

Yunqian knew very well that her tricks might be able to fool the world, but she definitely couldn't fool Chu Yuanzhou.

Chu Yuanzhou had never asked about her past, but now he gave such an explanation in front of the Snow Mountain Saintess. She was a little annoyed at him, but suddenly felt a little warm.

In this battle between her and the Snow Mountain Saintess, he always protected her.

The Snow Mountain Saintess gritted her teeth and said, "My son is not afraid that she is a demon, she will kill you one day!"

She was a little annoyed. When he was the best to her back then, he never said anything to her!

"That's my business too, what do you have to do with the saint?" Chu Yuanzhou rolled his eyes and said, "The saint's divination skills are usually very clever, which makes people admire her, but today she seems a bit messy. It's really ridiculous to say that Qianqian is a Yaomei for no reason. Don't say that she is not a Yaomei, even if she is a Yaomei, if she really wants to eat me one day, I will be willing."

After finishing speaking, Chu Yuanzhou blinked at Yun Qian ruffiantly, opened his mouth slightly, but did not make a sound.

Seeing the shape of his mouth, Yunqian clearly said, "Qianqian, you are welcome to eat me, I am ready to be eaten by you anytime."

Yunqian was originally moved by his words and felt tenderness in her heart, but after seeing the words in his mouth, she felt a little speechless. At this time, he was still not half-formed.

The complexion of the Snow Mountain Saintess changed slightly, and she was about to speak, but the Queen Mother said with a cold face: "The Saintess is my honored guest, but she is only an honored guest. I don't need the Saintess to intervene in my Dazhou's housework. .Besides, the moment you were chosen as a saint, you were already married to the heavens, and you should have cut off the seven emotions and six desires in the world long ago."

The Holy Maiden of the Snow Mountain was choked by the Queen Mother's words, but the Queen said aside: "What the Queen Mother said is very reasonable, but I heard that the Holy Maiden has found the next Holy Maiden. If she finds it, she can come back again." If you are a princess in the royal family, you can marry. Although the saint is old and has passed the age of marriage, but with the appearance and talent of the saint, it is not difficult to find a suitable husband."

(End of this chapter)

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