Chapter 529 His Story
Yun Qian said slowly: "My son has just said in front of me that he has forgotten the Saintess of the Snow Mountain, but I am afraid that the son is very clear in his heart. You have never forgotten her, and you firmly believe what she said."

Chu Yuanzhou knew that the more he explained about this kind of thing, the more confused he became, so he simply kept silent, but Yun Qian smiled slightly: "In the heart of the son, have you ever thought about breaking the peach blossom of the Snow Mountain Saintess?"

Chu Yuanzhou said quietly: "Everyone has their own past and memories, she is my past and memories, her person only lives in my memory, the one I saw in reality has long since disappeared. "

Yun Qian was stunned for a moment when he heard what he said, and Chu Yuanzhou said in a low voice, "Want to hear the story between me and her?"

Yun Qian shook her head and said, "Not interested."

Chu Yuanzhou sighed lightly and said, "I really don't want to hear it?"

Yunqian responded lightly. She was also curious about the matter between him and the Snow Mountain Saintess, but when she saw the scene where the Snow Mountain Saintess and Chu Yuanzhou met, she no longer wanted to know the relationship between them. matter.

Her imagination is not too rich, but based on Chu Yuanzhou's words, it is not difficult to imagine the scene where Chu Yuanzhou met and fell in love with the Snow Mountain Saintess, and she is now attracted to Chu Yuanzhou. For a woman, listening to herself It is definitely not a pleasant thing for my husband to tell the story of his ex-girlfriend.

"It's okay if you don't want to hear it." Chu Yuanzhou gave Yun Qian a naughty look and said, "Anyway, I didn't do anything to her that I did to you."

Yun Qian raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, but Chu Yuanzhou turned around and threw her on the seat of the carriage, then looked into her eyes with a pair of black jade-like eyes and said, "For example, this..."

Before his words fell, his lips had already touched Yun Qian's lips. Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, and some inexplicable emotions arose in her heart. Those emotions made her feel a little depressed. For him, her I was also a little annoyed.

Yun Qian looked up at him, annoyed, opened her mouth and bit him hard.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled lightly, and finally let go of her lips, then looked at Yun Qian with a pair of fascinated eyes and said, "Neither she nor I have done these things."

Yun Qian didn't expect that he opened his mouth to say these words, and suddenly became angry, but saw that his lip had been bitten by her, and at this moment, blood was gushing out, rolling down from the corner of his mouth, and splashing on his clothes On it, like a blooming red plum.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Qian was a little speechless, what was it all about?
Obviously he himself provoked Taohua first, and did things that people don't know what to say about him, yet he talked to her like this, did he want to drive her to death?
Before his words fell, his lips had already touched Yun Qian's lips. Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, and some inexplicable emotions arose in her heart. Those emotions made her feel a little depressed. For him, her I was also a little annoyed.

Yun Qian looked up at him, annoyed, opened her mouth and bit him hard.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled lightly, and finally let go of her lips, then looked at Yun Qian with a pair of fascinated eyes and said, "Neither she nor I have done these things."

Yun Qian didn't expect that he opened his mouth to say these words, and suddenly became angry, but saw that his lip had been bitten by her, and at this moment, blood was gushing out, rolling down from the corner of his mouth, and splashing on his clothes On it, like a blooming red plum.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Qian was a little speechless, what was it all about?
(End of this chapter)

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