Chapter 536 I slept with her!

Princess Qionghua glanced at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Not only am I here today, but I also want to live here."

Chu Yuanzhou knew something about the grievances between Princess Qionghua and the Holy Maiden of the Snow Mountain, and he had also heard about the matter that the emperor ordered Princess Qionghua to go to Baolai Temple. Now that Princess Qionghua was here, he could guess Feeling somewhat of Princess Qionghua's thoughts.

Chu Yuanzhou coughed lightly and said, "My aunt likes to come to the palace for a short stay, even if it's okay to stay, my father and I are very welcome."

Princess Qionghua glanced at him and said: "I have something to discuss with Qianqian tonight, you go to the study to sleep!"

Chu Yuanzhou knew that there was no reason to talk to his aunt, but now he felt that Princess Qionghua's proposal was too much, so he immediately said: "Auntie, Qianqian and I are newly married, and you are also from here. It’s not a good idea to step in like this!”

Princess Qionghua said disapprovingly: "It's good to be newly married. Newly married means that you are just getting married. The future is still very big, so there is no rush for this night. Besides, you have already bridal chamber, and it has also quenched your hunger and thirst for many years. She's so delicate, how can she stand up to your torment like a cow, let's rest for a night tonight."

Even though Yunqian had seen Princess Qionghua's ridiculous way of speaking a long time ago, when she heard these words, she still felt that there was thunder rolling by in the sky. Hongxia flew around.

Chu Yuanzhou was also a little speechless, but coughed lightly and said, "Don't aunt know what is food marrow and taste?"

"Stop!" Princess Qionghua rolled his eyes at him and said: "Don't show off idioms in front of me, you won't lose a piece of meat if you don't sleep together all night!"

Chu Yuanzhou cried and said with a sad face: "Not only will I lose a piece of meat, but my whole body will be lost!"

Why did he have an aunt like Princess Qionghua?Who's aunt would run into her nephew's room in such a superb way, insisting on sleeping with her newly married niece and daughter-in-law?

"You are a butcher again, and you will lose all your flesh!" Princess Qionghua said confidently.

Chu Yuanzhou suddenly felt that his life was in darkness. He glanced at Yunqian asking for help. Yunqian was still annoyed about his carriage and had no plan to have sex with him. At this time, Princess Qionghua made such a fuss, she felt extremely Alright, just ignore him for now.

Chu Yuanzhou couldn't help but whispered: "A woman without a conscience."

Yunqian continued to ignore him, but Princess Qionghua followed Chu Yuanzhou's gaze and looked at Yunqian. Only then did she realize that Yunqian had not yet obtained her consent, so she looked at Yunqian in a fawning manner and said, "Qianqian, indulge your desires for the new one. It's not a good thing for a woman to be a woman, I'm helping you, don't you mind?"

Yun Qian coughed lightly and said, "Thank you, sister."

Princess Qionghua smiled brightly and said, "Qianqian is really reasonable."

Chu Yuanzhou glanced at Yun Qian resentfully, but Yun Qian pretended not to see it.

That night, Princess Qionghua pulled Yun Qian to talk for a long time, roughly talking about her grievances with the Snow Mountain Saintess, and even scolded the Snow Mountain Saintess as worthless. Yun Qian found the key point and asked: "If so, My sister should hate her, but what is going on between the son-in-law and my sister?"

Princess Qionghua, who had been spying on her all the time, fell silent immediately after hearing her words.

Yunqian thought she was asleep, so she called softly, "Sister..."

"He's dead." Princess Qionghua's tone was cold.
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(End of this chapter)

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