Chapter 538 The Love Between Mother and Daughter
When Mo Chou saw Yunqian, her eyes were full of concern, and when she saw Chu Yuanzhou holding Yunqian's hand, her eyes were full of smiles again. As long as Yunqian is happy, she will be fine no matter what, but she doesn't like it in her heart. Consciously aroused three points of remorse, she saw Yun Qian's gaze swept over, and there was a little more questioning taste in her eyes, Yun Qian just smiled warmly.

After some greetings, Chu Yuanzhou and Yun Jingyan were talking in the front hall, Yun Qian said goodbye to Yun Jingyan, and then went to Mo Chou's residence with Mo Chou.

After Shu Yue lowered the door curtain, Mo Chou said guiltily, "Qian'er, I'm sorry for your mother."

That day, after Mo Chou took Ye Wuchen to look for Yun Qian to no avail, Ye Wuchen took his men and horses around to look for Yun Qian again. Worried that Yun Qian would be in danger if she left alone like this, she didn't care too much, and followed around to find Yun Qian.

It's just that she walked around the capital for half a circle, but she didn't see any trace of Yun Qian, but the matter of Yun Qian spread quickly in the capital, and she felt a little more regretful in her heart.

When she was in a state of desperation, she heard that Chu Yuanzhou had returned to the capital, and that his rebellion was nothing at all. The emperor rewarded him heavily, but she couldn't help but cursed herself in her heart as an ignorant person.

She also knew Yunqian's temperament these days, and knew that Yunqian's escape from marriage was just to find Chu Yuanzhou. Now that Chu Yuanzhou came back, she was afraid that Yunqian would follow him.

So Mo Chou waited in the capital city on the only way from the city gate to the Prince Chu's mansion. Sure enough, seeing Chu Yuanzhou bring Yun Qian back on horseback, the stone in her heart fell to the ground.

Then she heard the news that Chu Yuanzhou and Yunqian were about to visit the hall, and when she was about to leave, she saw Ye Wuchen returning from outside the city with Yunzheng. She was also a smart person, and vaguely guessed something After that, she really heard the news that Ye Wuchen married Yunzheng.

She sighed in her heart, feeling that all of this was fate.

Mo Chou thought that she had nowhere to go, and now Yunqian was going to marry Chu Yuanzhou, so she returned to Yunfu.

When she went back, Chu Yuanzhou had already picked Yunqian away. Seeing the scene of ten miles of red makeup, she felt extremely comforted in her heart, and secretly sighed that it was fortunate that Yunqian insisted on her own opinion, otherwise, she would probably lead to something serious. disaster.

When Mochou returned to Yunfu, Yun Jingyan had to scold her, and she accepted it quietly. At this time, Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou had paid homage, so Yun Jingyan couldn't do it anymore. What to say about Mo Chou, plus the old lady is old, Su Qiaohui is seriously ill, and the entire Yun Mansion also needs Mo Chou to take care of it.

After Yunqian married Chu Yuanzhou, she asked Chu Yuanzhou to inquire about Mo Chou's news. Knowing that she had returned to Yunfu, she felt a little less worried.

Although she didn't agree with what Mo Chou did that day, she also knew that it was not wrong for Mo Chou to do that from the mother's point of view. After all, it was for her own good, and she was not angry with Mo Chou.

At this time, she heard Mo Chou's words and said softly: "Mother's words are serious, you are my own mother, so naturally you wish me well, it's just that you used the wrong method."

After hearing her words, Mo Chou wiped away her tears and said, "How is your son treating you?"

Even though she had seen the shadow of happiness on Yun Qian's face, she still wanted to ask one more question.

"Very good, mother don't have to worry about it." The corner of Yun Qian's mouth hooked slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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