Chapter 540 My idea
Not wanting Yunzheng's calmness to arouse Yunluo's anger even more, she gritted her teeth and stared at Yunzheng and said, "Second sister, I really didn't expect you to be such a shameless person, I was thinking about it earlier. , why didn’t you resist the marriage in Zheng Guogong’s mansion? It turned out that you had such a plan a long time ago! Why don’t you piss and bubble the mirror? With your extremely ugly appearance, how can you be worthy of him and you? The only one is that dead idiot from Zheng Guogong's mansion!"

When Yunzheng heard Yunluo's words, her face changed slightly, and she asked softly, "When did Fourth Sister know about the death of Second Young Master Zheng?"

"I already knew it!" Yunluo said through gritted teeth: "You pretend to be deaf and dumb in the room every day, don't you already know about this matter? You don't resist just to paralyze everyone!"

Yunzheng trembled slightly when she heard the words, but she didn't expect that Yunluo knew about this a long time ago but didn't tell her. She turned her head to look at Liu Ying and said, "Auntie, did you also know about this a long time ago?"

Liu Ying didn't answer but said: "Zheng'er, although you have obtained your happiness, you did something wrong this time. Your father was very angry that you married Mr. Ye like this. The day before yesterday, Zheng Guogong Someone came from the manor and told your father well, your father was very angry. You are usually mature and calm when you encounter problems, how did you do such a thing this time?"

When Yunzheng heard Liu Ying's words, she felt a little unsteady on her feet. She took a few steps back, and finally leaned against the pomegranate tree so as not to fall.

It turned out that everyone in the world knew about it, but she was the only one who kept it from her.It's fine for other people to hide it from her, but her biological mother and sister also did it to her.

Yunzheng looked at Liu Ying and said, "Is it in Auntie's heart that I should marry a dead man and Fourth Sister should marry Ye Wuchen?"

This was originally Liu Ying's subconscious thought, but when Yunzheng asked her this question, she also felt that it was a bit inappropriate. Anyway, Yunzheng and Yunluo are both her daughters.

Liu Ying suddenly hesitated and said: "Zhenger..."

She wanted to explain but didn't know how to explain.

No matter how calm Yunzheng was, her eyes were red at this moment. She sneered and said, "You don't need to say more, Auntie, I know."

At this moment, her heart is clear, even if she is her biological mother, she has a feeling of estrangement.

Yunluo was already angry, so she raised her hand and slapped Yunzheng: "From now on, you will no longer be my second sister!"

Yunzheng looked at Yunluo coldly, but did not fight back, but said slowly: "Okay, from now on, you are no longer my fourth sister, nor are you my aunt."

Her finger points to Liu Ying.

Liu Ying was stunned for a moment, Yunzheng's eyes were cold, and she didn't say any more.

Yunqian knew earlier that in Liu Ying's heart, the two daughters, Yunzheng and Yunluo, were somewhat different. Seeing this now, she couldn't help but sighed softly, and walked over to pull Yunzheng's hand. Hand said: "Second sister is also back, my aunt has made a new pot of tea, it tastes very good, second sister come with me to have a drink!"

Yunzheng was pulled by Yunqian, without nodding or shaking her head.

But Yun Luo had already jumped in front of Yun Qian and said, "Fifth Sister, is this all your idea?"

Yun Qian chuckled and said, "So what if it was my idea? Do you think that your dilapidated body is worthy of Ye Wuchen?"

(End of this chapter)

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