Chapter 553
Chu Yuanzhou chuckled and said, "Are you so sure that the Snow Mountain Saintess can give me happiness?"

Yun Qian's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "The word happiness is often just a feeling in my heart, and others cannot define it."

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows and said, "You know how to say that, but what you do is not the case."

Yun Qian was slightly stunned, and Chu Yuanzhou said again: "Actually, you have said so much in a roundabout way, and in your heart you also want to know what kind of attitude I have towards the Snow Mountain Saintess. If you just ask me, I will answer. If I don't ask, why should I say it?"

Yunqian coughed lightly, Chu Yuanzhou chuckled lightly, took her hand over and said, "When you were in the palace yesterday, didn't you say that you wanted to cut off the peach blossom of the Snow Mountain Saintess for me? Why is there no such peach blossom today? What about confidence?"

Yun Qian's eyes brightened a little, but she said, "Did you think too much, my son?"

"It's okay." Chu Yuanzhou said leisurely: "My attitude is that if it is too hard for you to cut off this peach blossom for me alone, then we will cut this peach blossom together, and I will send it to her when she leaves the capital. Give you ten versatile men, okay?"

"Not good." Thinking of the appearance of those ten people just now, Yun Qian couldn't help shivering.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and raised his eyebrows when he saw her, but saw Yunqian looking at him with bright eyes. Her eyes were burning, and she looked at him a little unnaturally. She watched him like this for about a quarter of an hour. , he finally couldn't help asking: "What's the matter? Is there anything wrong?"

A smile overflowed from the corner of Yunqian's mouth, and she raised her eyebrows slightly: "If you voluntarily cut off the peach blossom of the Snow Mountain Saintess, I don't want you to give me a man."

"Then what do you want?" Chu Yuanzhou looked at her with his head half tilted.

There is interest in his eyes, and he is also somewhat curious about what she thinks in her heart. She has never been like an ordinary woman, who can see the bottom at a glance. To know her mind, he has to think straight Think about it for a moment, then bend over and think about it, and then think about it in reverse.

Yun Qian's hand slowly stretched out towards him. He raised his eyebrows but did not move. Her hand had already lifted his chin, and she said word by word: "I want your heart."

"I gave you my heart a long time ago, do you want me to give you someone?" Chu Yuanzhou raised his mouth slightly, her hand was very soft, and when he stroked his chin lightly, he even smelled a little fragrance from her fingertips .

He thought she would call him a hooligan, but he didn't expect her eyes to stare at him, her head tilted slightly, her eyes moved slightly, and her red lips parted slightly: "Yes!"

When the word "want" was heard in Chu Yuanzhou's ears, it naturally had a different flavor. He felt his heart beat suddenly faster, but he asked a little silly: "Can you say it again?"

Yun Qian's face was blushing, but she said solemnly: "Actually, your performance yesterday was not bad."

"And then?" Chu Yuanzhou asked.

Yun Qian narrowed her eyes and said, "The ten men you sent me today made me shudder."

"And then?" Chu Yuanzhou's mouth had a three-point smile.

Yun Qian thought for a while and said: "Marrying you like this, you will definitely do everything possible to pinch my peach blossoms in the future. There are too few men in the world who can compete with you. If you really have me in your heart, then In the days to come, I will not think about it, and I will not force myself to live with you."

(End of this chapter)

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