Chapter 556

Yun Qian glanced at Princess Qionghua and patiently explained: "This is a bottle of the most common poison, which makes people vomit up and down after eating it. Immortal, this bottle is chronic poison, colorless and tasteless, the poison will accumulate in the body after eating, this bottle of medicine will make people's whole body swollen, this bottle of medicine will make people have red spots all over their body, this bottle of medicine will make the skin fester... ..."

She introduced more than a dozen kinds in one breath, and Princess Qionghua retracted her hand, daring not to touch any of the pile of things. She saw a beautiful red long-necked bottle in the corner of the table, and then grabbed the bottle. The plug was lifted, and after sniffing it with his nose, he said, "It smells so good, what is this..."

As soon as Yunqian saw her moving the bottle, it was too late to stop her. Princess Qionghua had already fallen headfirst. She hurriedly supported Princess Qionghua, and then quickly took the bottle out of Princess Qionghua's hand. Take it out, and then hurriedly fed Princess Qionghua an antidote, and then said: "This is a highly poisonous thing that seals the throat when it sees blood. This medicine is very thick, just smelling it can make people faint."

Princess Qionghua rolled her eyes and immediately lost consciousness. She lay there for a whole day and night before she regained her senses.

From then on, when she saw Yun Qian's poison, she took a detour.

Chu Yuanzhou and Yun Qian got married. On the day of the wedding, the emperor ordered him to join the cabinet, but he didn't say what kind of official position he was. After the wedding, the emperor only allowed him a three-day holiday. After returning home, Chu Yuanzhou would enter the palace every day for early court.

Yunqian didn't ask him about his court, nor did he ask him what kind of official position the emperor gave him. He just felt that being an official looked beautiful, but it was actually quite hard work. Get up, wash up and have to go out early.

After a few more days like this, Yunqian received a post, which was sent by the queen, saying that the summer weather was too hot, and all the wives and ladies in Beijing were invited to Ningde Mountain Resort to enjoy the lotus.

After Yunqian received the post, Princess Qionghua asked, "Over the years, has the Empress invited people to Ningde for summer vacation?"

Princess Qionghua shook her head and said: "Ningde Mountain Resort is also a royal garden. On weekdays, the emperor would take his favored concubine there to escape the summer heat. I heard that the Huai River was flooded this year. The emperor thinks this is a warning from the heavens. So this year I won’t go to Ningde to escape the summer and have fun. And Ningde has another prayer platform. The emperor’s wife goes there every year to pray for the Great Zhou Dynasty. In the past, the emperor’s brother would be by her side. This year, if the emperor’s brother is not going, it’s just a matter of praying. Leave it to the Queen's Wife."

Yun Qian frowned and said, "Why is it praying again? Didn't the emperor ask my sister to go to the temple to pray for blessings?"

She felt that the people of the royal family were not so boring, they always prayed for blessings, and she was curious whether it was useful or not.

Princess Qionghua blinked her eyes and said: "It was just a cover for me to go to Baolai Temple to pray for blessings, and what I wanted was the health of the royal family. The blessings of the emperor's wife are naturally very different from mine. Although she cannot represent the country, she is And the mother of a nation."

Yun Qian understood something when she heard the words, but felt that those things were false, but Princess Qionghua said aside: "In this case, it is okay for the emperor's wife not to go, but recently there is an extra blessing in Beijing. master."

Yunqian's eyes were deep, she looked at Princess Qionghua and said, "Sister refers to..."

(End of this chapter)

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