Chapter 568
The eyes of the Snow Mountain Saintess moved slightly, and she said again: "I have heard the story about Ye Gongzi and Shi Zifei, I don't know if it is true or not?"

"If the saint says it's true, then it's true, if she says it's false, it's false, and those things, whether they're true or not, are just past events, and there's really nothing to talk about." Pull a thousand catties.

The Snow Mountain Saintess chuckled lightly and said, "The Concubine Shizi really knows how to talk."

"It's better that the saint can talk." Yun Qian didn't like this way of speaking with a needle hidden in the cotton, so she said directly: "Didn't the saint claim to know the past and the future? If you are so interested in my past, you might as well count with your fingers. "

The eyes of the Snow Mountain Saintess turned cold and she said, "I am indeed very interested in the concubine Shizi, especially the memories hidden deep in my mind."

Yunqian felt that she was really endless, so she smiled again: "If so, then the saint will do the math again. At this time, the saint has talked to me so much, so it's possible that the saint has nothing to do except those bluffing tools. In addition, can't pinch your fingers to calculate your fortune? If so, the saint may not be much different from those warlocks in the Jianghu."

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain was not annoyed, she just chuckled and said, "Is the concubine Shizi afraid?"

"Do I look like I'm scared?" Yun asked with a slight smile.

She really didn't seem to have anything to do with fear, her eyes were as bright as stars in the sky, and she also looked a little lazy, with the word calm written all over her body.

Seeing her like this, the Holy Maiden of the Snow Mountain was quite unhappy, and she sneered and said: "The concubine Shizi was a trick in the palace that day, I admire it very much, I don't know if the concubine Shizi used it when she went out today. Calculated for yourself?"

Yunqian smiled lightly and said, "Fortune-telling is the specialty of saintesses, not mine. Besides, I never believe in fate. If anyone says that my fate is evil, then I will definitely change my fate against the sky. The evil spirit around him dissipated, and the mouth that spread rumors was blocked."

Her tone was very light, but there was a domineering air emanating from her body, and there was a bit of flexibility.

Finally, there was a trace of coldness in the eyes of the saintess of the snow mountain, but Yun Qian said indifferently: "Saint, listen to the piano! Today, all the ladies are very good at the piano."

It turned out that while the two were talking, there was another wave of drumming, and the flower fell into the hands of Mrs. Liu, the wife of Marquis Anyuan. Liu shirked it for a while, but seeing that she couldn't, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and play it. Her piano skills are mediocre, after playing one piece, everyone just didn't snicker.

In this way, several women got flowers, and they all went up to play a song. When they reached the ninth person, the flower stopped in Su Rushi's hands. With a smile, he stood up and went to play.

She pondered slightly before playing, and a piece of "Spring River Water" flowed from her fingertips.

Yunqian originally thought that Su Rushi's personality might not be good at playing the piano, but when she heard the sound of the piano, she was still slightly taken aback. She had to say that although Su Rushi's personality was not very good, she played the piano very well. good.

Su Rushi finished the song, with tears in his eyes like rain, and said lightly: "The rain is falling and the autumn is chilly. I go up to the tall building alone. The cold water is blue and the wind is blowing. The raccoon girl is out of the fishing boat. The spring flowers are warm and the river is red, and the flowers are falling in the flowing water. How heavy is the lovesickness when the water flows away?"

(End of this chapter)

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