Chapter 570
Seeing Yun Qian's expression, Su Ru felt a lot of hatred in her heart, but she couldn't do anything to Yun Qian in public. Her eyes fell on the Snow Mountain Saintess. The Snow Mountain Saintess just smiled at her, she saw After the Snow Mountain Saintess smiled, she turned her head away.

The small movements of the two were extremely fast, but it was only in the blink of an eye, but they did not hide from Yun Qian's eyes.

There was a coldness in Yunqian's eyes, but his expression remained calm.

When Su Rushi turned his head, the drum sounded again, and the flowers were passed on again in the hands of the girls. Soon, the flower was about to be passed to Yun Qian's hands. At this moment, a very special voice sounded, If you don't listen carefully, it may be difficult to hear clearly, and the voice is very short, so short that it seems like an illusion.

But Yun Qian heard the voice like an illusion.

Just as the flower was passed into Yunqian's hand, the sound of the drum suddenly stopped, but Yunqian threw the flower into the hands of the Snow Mountain Saintess at the moment when it seemed to stop, and the Snow Mountain Saintess did not expect that Yunqian would Qian's reaction was so fast, she subconsciously threw the flower back in Yunqian's direction.

Unexpectedly, with her throw, the flower suddenly spread in the air, and the petals scattered around the snow-capped mountain maiden with shallow clouds.

It turned out that the flower was tossed by all the girls, and the flower had already scattered. At this time, the Snow Mountain Saintess tossed it, and it completely fell apart.

Yun Qian's lips formed a beautiful arc, revealing a faint smile.

There was a chill in the eyes of the Snow Mountain Saintess, but the corners of her mouth were also curled up.

The flowers spread around the two of them. Even though the girls saw Yunqian taking the flowers and seeing the Snow Mountain Saintess taking the flowers, it was still hard to tell whose hands the flowers ended up in.

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain looked at Yun Qian and said, "It seems that today I can appreciate the unique piano skills of the Shizi Concubine."

Yun Qian blinked her eyes and said: "The flower seems to be in the hands of the saint in the end. I heard earlier that the saint is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. People who are proficient in Yishu are very good at playing the piano. Today I can Feast your ears."

Princess Qionghua was standing beside Yunqian. She saw all these actions just now, and secretly scolded the Snow Mountain Saintess for being too shameless. She took a step forward and was about to speak, but Yunqian stomped on kicked her.

Princess Qionghua's eyes were full of anger, but Yun Qian said slowly: "I'm a little thirsty, pour me a glass of water."

Princess Qionghua had no choice but to respond. When she was pouring water, she approached Yunqian. Yunqian said in a low voice, "Don't be nervous, I have my own way to deal with it. You are just my maidservant now. She is the princess of a neighboring country. Really If you want to make a fuss, it won't end well."

Princess Qionghua knew all these truths, but she couldn't swallow the breath in the end, she gritted her teeth and said: "The most painful thing in this world is to see a bitch right in front of you but not be able to do anything!"

Yun Qian narrowed her eyes slightly and said: "When we peel off her beauty skin, you can do whatever you want, and it is absolutely impossible at this time."

Princess Qionghua gritted her teeth, squinted at the Snow Mountain Saintess, and then stood up.

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain was a little surprised when she saw her gaze, and felt that the aura of the person in front of her seemed familiar, but when she looked closely at that face, it was so strange, at first she felt weird, but then she felt that the maid beside Yunqian was natural To Yunqian, it's really normal to glare at her.

(End of this chapter)

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