Chapter 599 Just Right
Princess Qionghua continued: "Later I heard that she was going to reverse the fortunes of the country for my great week, so there would be a ceremony and the paper dolls would be burned, and then I thought of that stove, so I ordered someone to burn it that night. I made a very special stove, and then used my relationship to exchange the stove they had prepared with mine. There were a lot of firecracker pins buried under and on both sides of the stove, and there was a lead wire inside, which was used as the When the fuse is lit, or when the temperature in the furnace is too high, the pins explode."

Yun Qian knew about these principles, but Princess Qionghua also had some skills. People in this era actually thought of such a method, but at that time, everyone's attention was on the matter of the festival, and everything was ready. How can anyone think that there is something wrong with that stove.

And Princess Qionghua is a member of the royal family, so she naturally knows what kind of stoves are generally used in ceremonies, and she is more comfortable with her hands and feet.

Huanyu was dumbfounded a long time ago, and she couldn't help but said at this moment: "Princess, aren't you afraid that God will be angry if you do this?"

"Stupid girl!" Princess Qionghua scolded: "If God is really conscious, how can he do so many stupid things! In my heart, God has never been short-sighted!"

When Huanyu was scolded like that by her, she immediately shut up, and Princess Qionghua was still laughing and said, "After this big firecracker is lit, I feel so much happier in my heart!"

Yun Qian also smiled when she heard the words, thinking that all of this might be fate, if Princess Qionghua hadn't made such a fuss today, she might be killed by those tricks of the Snow Mountain Saintess.

She said slowly: "My sister's big firecracker exploded really well."

Princess Qionghua proudly said: "I think so too. Today you also saw the look of that slut. It's really interesting! I think it's extremely resentful! But this matter can't be finished like this, it's just a beginning! "

Yun Qian also felt that this matter was just the beginning. If the Saintess of the Snow Mountain declared war on her last night and she also accepted the challenge, then what happened today is just the beginning. The two of them have completely torn their faces apart. She was so desperate that she wished to kill her immediately, and she would no longer passively wait for the Snow Mountain Saintess to make a move before fighting back.

It’s just that Princess Qionghua is also right. You can’t just kill the Snow Mountain Saintess so easily. No matter what, you have to let the Snow Mountain Saintess experience another taste of life. As far as the woman is concerned, it may be a fatal blow.

After being tossed so much today, she was a little exhausted, and fell asleep on the bed.

And the blessing thing was completely abandoned because of the explosion. After the queen left, the county magistrate of Ningde ordered people to clean up the scene. At that time, there was a shrewd policeman who found the stove The abnormality, so he told the county magistrate about it.

When the county magistrate heard about this, he was shocked, and brought the catcher to the queen, and told the queen about their discovery in detail.

The queen was a little angry at first, but after hearing this, she became more certain that someone was causing trouble secretly, and the stove was brought out from the palace, so not many people could come into contact with that stove.The women who came to pray for blessings today are all the family members of the ministers, so it is impossible to have such an opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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