Chapter 701 His Lies
"My concubine mother once saved Mama Huang's life. She treated Mama Huang very well in the past, so when my concubine mother became seriously ill, I only left the two mothers who took care of my concubine on weekdays to take care of her, and Mama Zhang Because I stole Lu Zhu's hairpin, I was kicked out of Chu Palace when I was on the expedition." Chu Yuanzhou narrowed his eyes and said: "I have always treated Huang Mama very well, but unexpectedly, I met a black-hearted old bitch !"

"I don't know as much as the prince about the major events outside, but I have some experience in these things in the inner courtyard. I think that Mama Huang dared to do this for so many years without being noticed. There must be something in the Chu Palace. The person who supports her. With so many people in the Chu Palace, I personally think that Concubine Lu is the most suspicious." Yun Qian analyzed.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were full of anger and said: "You are wrong. It is not the concubine Luside who is the most suspicious, but my father and king who is the most suspicious."

Yun Qian was stunned for a moment, and Chu Yuanzhou said coldly: "If these things were not ordered by him, who would dare to do such crazy things, and how could they hide it from me?"

Yunqian also felt that it made sense when she heard it, and her eyes deepened, but Chu Yuanzhou said again: "Qianqian, can you tell me whether my mother and concubine can still be cured well?"

"Although it's a bit troublesome, if you know why you got sick and how you got poisoned, it's not difficult to cure it." Yun Qian replied, "I'm a little curious now, how did my concubine get sick."

As soon as she asked, Chu Yuanzhou became quiet and sat there without saying a word.

Yun Qian folded her arms around her chest, tilted her head and looked at him, and said, "Why, is there something unspeakable? You don't want to tell me?"

"It's not an unspeakable secret." Chu Yuanzhou sighed lightly and said, "I'm just thinking about when this matter should start."

"Then let's start with the day you ran out of the dungeon of the palace to pursue the Snow Mountain Saintess, and the princess was injured because of it!" Yun Qian looked at him with a three-point smile in her eyes.

Seeing her smile like that, Chu Yuanzhou couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly. Her pink lips smiled very attractively, but he smiled bitterly and said, "Qianqian, it's not a good girl to expose people's scars."

Yun Qian raised her eyebrows, didn't answer, but tilted her head slightly to look at him.

He closed his eyes slightly and said, "Okay, I'll tell the truth."

Yun Qian's eyebrows moved again, and Chu Yuanzhou finally sighed softly: "Actually, I lied that night in the Zizhu Forest. That day I went to chase the Snow Mountain Saintess, but my mother and concubine didn't chase her out. The reason why I said that to the Snow Mountain Saintess at that time was just to tell her how much I hated her in my heart, because she knew how important the concubine mother is to me."

This time it was Yunqian's turn to be dumbfounded. Chu Yuanzhou was definitely a fighter in the top class. He told the truth and lies together. Under such circumstances, he could still lie. She also worshiped him very much. She still remembered him. How heavy the voice was when he spoke at that time.

She couldn't help but said, "My lord, do you often lie?"

She really believed in his evil, in front of him, everything is possible.

"Of course not." Chu Yuanzhou blinked at her and said, "I will only lie on certain occasions."

He looked a little foolish, but he already had something on his mind, and every time he thought about those past events, he always felt very blocked in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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