Chapter 708
Before Yunqian looked for Aunt Zhang, Aunt Zhang also wanted to come to look for Yunqian, but she felt that with her current status, Yunqian might not believe what she said, and she still had a lot of worries in her heart, so she never come over.

Today, when Yunqian came looking for her, she had already thought a lot on the way. She secretly speculated about Yunqian looking for her. Although she was sick, she was happy in her heart, but worried that Yun Qian would not believe her words, so she knelt down and begged Yun Qian.

Yun Qian didn't expect her reaction to be so strong, so she hurriedly helped Aunt Zhang up and said, "Princess Wang is my concubine mother, so I will naturally try my best."

Aunt Zhang said softly: "I have watched the concubine suffer all these years, and I feel very sad, but I can't do anything about it. The son has not been in the mansion for many years. My status is humble, and what I can do is really limited. I beg the concubine to take that The evil slave, Madam Huang, should be transferred away from the princess as soon as possible, with her around, the princess' illness will never recover!"

After Yun Qian heard the words, she knew that Aunt Zhang also knew about Madam Huang's abuse of Princess Chu. She looked at Aunt Zhang and said, "Aunt Zhang seems to be very concerned about the princess on weekdays, and she often visits the princess."

"The princess has saved my life. When the prince wanted to drive me out of the palace, it was the princess who saved me." Aunt Zhang said softly, "I was just an orphan whose parents had died. It was a coincidence that I entered the palace. But it is also my only chance to survive. After the prince favored me that day, he wanted to drive me out of the palace. It was the princess who saved me and then became pregnant. Auntie, take care of her in every possible way so that our mother and daughter can be safe."

Yun Qian said curiously: "In this way, the princess is really kind to my aunt."

"It's not just me. Which of the aunts in the palace at that time didn't receive the great favor of the princess, but some people were shallow. After Concubine Luside came to power, she also climbed up and stepped down. The princess is the most beautiful princess I have ever seen. Dadu mistress." Aunt Zhang had tears in her eyes.

Yunqian thinks that women are selfish, and there are only two possibilities for those so-called generosity, one is for people to see, like Su Qiaohui, and the other is that she doesn't love that man at all, so how many women does he have? Don't even care.

Although Yunqian didn't know much about Princess Chu, from Aunt Zhang's words, she vaguely felt that Princess Chu belonged to the latter category.

She asked again: "Did the prince have many concubines at that time?"

"The prince has always been romantic." Aunt Zhang said with a soft sigh: "But most of them are just favored once, and they are sent away after being raised in the mansion for a few months. Over the years, there are only a few who can stay."

Yun Qian felt that King Chu's appetite was really unusual. What did he think of women?She had a little respect for the King of Chu at first, but after listening to Aunt Zhang's words, she remembered some rumors about the King of Chu, and all that remained in her heart was contempt for the King of Chu.

She asked again: "Then, does Auntie still remember how the princess fell ill?"

"The health of the princess has always been not very good." Aunt Zhang said softly: "At that time, doctors in the mansion often came in to treat the princess, but after the concubine Lu side came in, the princess's illness became more and more serious day by day. After getting so bad, I never woke up again."

(End of this chapter)

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