Chapter 722 Let nature take its course
"You also know that I'm not the same as them, and the things I see are also different, so some things are only seen by me and they haven't seen them, so naturally I can't make them." Yun Qian smiled and said, "I'll give you It's a very interesting thing to do something in the place where I used to live."

Her words aroused Chu Yuanzhou's curiosity, and he stretched out his hand to take a look, but saw that it was a piece of cloth that formed a triangle-like shape. He frowned and asked, "What is this rotten piece of cloth?"

Yun Qian blinked and said, "It's a good thing. It will be finished soon. I'll give it to you."

She spoke this sentence slightly playfully, but then kissed her lips lightly.

Chu Yuanzhou coughed lightly and said, "Although I cherish what you gave me, you have to tell me what it is and how to use it?"

During the Dragon Boat Festival earlier, Yunqian embroidered a purse for him. Although it was too ugly to look at, he kept it with him all the time, and he didn't mean to dislike it at all, but the thing in front of him obviously didn't know what it was. .

He sighed silently in his heart: Qianqian's skills have declined again, and he will never let her be a female celebrity again.

As he thought so in his heart, he had already put her bleeding finger into his mouth.

Yunqian was startled by Chu Yuanzhou's actions, and hurriedly pulled his finger out of his mouth and said, "Of course I will teach you how to use this."

Chu Yuanzhou became more curious, but Yun Qian said with a smile, "I'll tell you after dinner."

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows and spread his hands, thinking that she was just delaying time, but she let her do it. At this time, it was dark and Huanyu had prepared meals. After the two of them had dinner, Yun Qian went to wash up first, and quickly returned to the room.

After Yunqian came back, she whispered a few words in Chu Yuanzhou's ear. Chu Yuanzhou frowned slightly, but said in a louder voice: "No, you asked me to wear that thing? That thing can wear it?"

Yun Qian blinked her eyes and said: "Under normal circumstances, you can't wear it, but you can wear it for me to see in the boudoir, and you have such a good figure, I think it would be a waste if you don't wear it."

Chu Yuanzhou picked up the triangular piece of fabric and looked at it, eyes full of disdain and said: "Qianqian, why do I think you are messing with me?"

Yun Qian tilted her head slightly, raised her eyebrows lightly, and said, "If you think so, I can't help it, but my son, I will only give you one chance. Don't blame me for saying that you are too weak and like a woman." Same, saying that I will not marry you or something like that."

Chu Yuanzhou knew that she was a little annoyed that he asked the emperor to go to Fuzhou in the past few days, he coughed lightly and said: "Is there any other compromise method, this piece of cloth is really..."

"It's called fun." Yun Qian said with a smile in his eyes: "It turns out that Shizi is a person who has no fun, and he doesn't want to marry me. If so, then I won't force it."

Chu Yuanzhou said with a bitter face: "A man can bend and stretch."

Yun Qian stretched out her hand to pinch his face with a smile and said: "My son has always been a stalwart husband in my heart, the best man in the world. My vision has always been very, very good. Well, I can't be wrong!"

She was a little funny in her heart, and also a little curious about what would happen to him.

(End of this chapter)

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