Chapter 728 Dance For Him
If all this is as Yunqian guessed, she would feel that Chu Yuanzhou is also a person with infinite sorrows, but when she looked left and right, she felt that he was the kind of person who would not keep any sorrows in her heart.

Chu Yuanzhou blinked his eyes and said: "That's not as exaggerated as you said, but it didn't make much difference. At that time, I often planted. I planted a few trees when I was in a good mood, and planted more when I was in a bad mood. A little bit, if you encounter more happy things, plant one piece, and if you encounter more disturbing things, you will grow more."

Yun Qian heard that his hobbies were really weird, but he didn't seem to be normal since he met him. There were his laws in his world, but it was undeniable that she didn't have much resistance to his laws. Li, smiled and said: "Here, can you bring other people to see?"

Chu Yuanzhou replied: "I once thought about bringing the Holy Maiden of the Snow Mountain over to have a look, but at the time I was thinking about the reward from the emperor after I conquered Xiliang here. If she knew, she would not be happy, so I never brought her here. .”

Yun Qian smiled and said, "In that case, I'm still very lucky."

"Of course, I will make you the happiest woman in the world." Chu Yuanzhou said with a crooked smile.

The smile in Yunqian's eyes became stronger again, and Chu Yuanzhou said again: "When this sea of ​​jasmine flowers was a little larger, I thought that I would bring my most beloved woman over to enjoy it with me. This beauty has now come true.”

Chu Yuanzhou gently pulled Yunqian's hand and said: "There is a big Jasmine in front of me, which is more beautiful than the one here. I will lead you there."

Yunqian nodded her head heavily, and Chu Yuanzhou was already holding her hand and walking down slowly.

Under the valley, layers of snow are superimposed, without exception, the scenery is getting more and more beautiful.

The big jasmine that Chu Yuanzhou mentioned is at the bottom of the valley, and it has already bloomed there, but the quiet and elegant fragrance is more intense, mixed with the clarity of dew, and the light mist in the valley is like a fairyland on earth. .

The desire to dance suddenly rose in Yunqian's heart. In her previous life, she was very good at dancing and could dance all kinds of dances, but at that time she liked Chinese folk dance the most. She felt that dancing was as long as she wanted to dance in her heart. , then you can jump.

The corner of her mouth slightly curved, she looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "How about I show you a dance?"

Chu Yuanzhou nodded lightly, her feet had already tiptoed on the grass and jumped up lightly. Because Chu Yuanzhou made her whole body sore last night, Yunqian's dance at this moment is not as agile as she used to dance, but Even so, her body is very light.

The Yunqian that Chu Yuanzhou saw was always a little cold. Although she had all kinds of intelligence in front of others, she always had a dignified appearance. She was like a lady, but he always felt that Her appearance is just pretending. In her bones, she may have a cute taste, but she never shows it in front of others.

Chu Yuanzhou felt that his previous conjecture was absolutely correct, Yunqian in front of him put aside her former dignity, at this time she already had the playfulness of her age, as well as the innocence that belonged to her.

He put his hands in his sleeves slightly, his eyes were full of fun, he had heard about Yunqian playing the piano in Ningde's other courtyard, but he didn't expect that she could dance, and she danced so well.

(End of this chapter)

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