Chapter 730 Cooking For You
Yun Qian laughed, thinking that Chu Yuanzhou was really far-sighted, and he thought of that level at this moment, and she expressed her admiration.

And when she thought about the future that belonged to the two of them, she felt a little sweet and hopeful in her heart.

The two of them were hungry, so Chu Yuanzhou took her to fish in the pond at the back. Even though he seemed to be very capable on weekdays, when it came to fishing, Yunqian felt that he was really untalented, so he caught a At Shi Chen, not even a fish scale was seen.

Yunqian looked at him pitifully, he coughed lightly and said, "These fish are really disobedient, my wife is hungry, so she doesn't take the initiative to bite the hook for my wife to eat."

Yun Qian blinked her eyes and said, "My lord, besides fish, is there anything else to eat here?"

"In the past, there were always people here to help me, but today I brought you here, so I gave them a vacation and let them go to the capital." He felt that he seemed to have miscalculated something today.

He used to think that when Chu Yi was fishing, it was just a drizzle to get a fish up. He also always felt that in such a romantic time, it was quite a romantic thing for him to fish and Yunqian grilled fish.

But today he realized that fishing has become a rainstorm for him, and it's still a torrential downpour.

Yun Qian also felt a little sad when she heard his words, but someone who had always been reliable fell off the chain at this time, she asked: "Where do they usually live? Let's go and see if there is anything left there delicious?"

Chu Yuanzhou praised: "It's still Qianqian smart."

After Chu Yuanzhou took Yunqian to the shabby house where his servants lived, he found that there were only three eggplants, a handful of peppers, a wilted potato, and half a liter of brown rice in the bag.

Yunqian breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that I won't be hungry anymore, so I will let Shizi master my handicraft today."

"It's an honor." Chu Yuanzhou grinned.

Yun Qian glanced at him and said, "Cooking is a trivial matter for me, but I'm afraid I have to bother my son about making a fire."

"It's a trivial matter." Chu Yuanzhou replied proudly and authentically.

When he was in the barracks before, even in the worst situation, there would always be a few small soldiers by his side, and the matter of lighting the fire could not be exhausted by Chu Yuanzhou.

At this time, he transferred all the followers around him, and this matter was done by him.

It's just that Shizi is smart and quick-witted on weekdays, so lighting a fire is a bit embarrassing for him. How to make the fire not too big or too small is really a laborious task.

When he was still born for the tenth time, he wished he could kick the stove. Finally, when he was born for the hundred and first time, the fire finally lit up, and his handsome face Half of the face has been smeared black.

The two have been busy here for a long time, but none of them proposed to leave here to eat in a restaurant in the capital.

The rice was finally cooked, and Yunqian also fried the vegetables. The seasoning here is limited, so Yunqian fried a braised eggplant and a shredded green pepper and potato with oil and salt.

The extremely simple dishes are completely different from the meals that the two of them usually eat, but because they are done by themselves, they have a different taste.

It was already an hour later when the dishes were ready, and the two of them were already so hungry that their chests were pressed against their backs. Because they couldn't control her heat, Yun Qian's eggplant was still slightly mushy.

(End of this chapter)

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