Chapter 736
"Miss Huanyu's words are really biased!" Mother Huang cried loudly: "The old slave has served the princess for decades, and she is loyal to the princess. I can see the sun and the moon in my heart, so how could I do such a thing?" Insane things!"

After she finished speaking, she wiped away her old tears and played up the image of a loyal servant.

Yunqian squinted at Ms. Huang, she felt that this evil slave really had some skills, his acting skills were so good, it was no wonder that Lu Zhu would let her serve by Princess Chu's side all the time, and it was no wonder that Chu Yuanzhou was such a Shrewd people were also deceived by her.

Huanyu was wronged by Huang's mother when she cried like this. Although she knew that Yunqian had made arrangements for the treatment of Princess Chu, the situation at this time was like a sudden storm, and she felt a little bit for Yunqian in her heart. Worry.

Even though Yunqian had experienced countless winds and rains in the Yunfu before, and was picked on many times by others, Yunqian was able to save the day, but now she is in the Chu Palace. Everything depends on Chu Yuanzhou's attitude.

She knew that Chu Yuanzhou cared about Yun Qian very much, but in Chu Yuanzhou's heart, she also valued Princess Chu very much. If Yun Qian accidentally put Princess Chu to death Well, then Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou will have such a gap in the future, which will affect their relationship.

Huanyu glanced at Chu Yuanzhou, seeing that he no longer had the usual foolish look, and his face was full of dignity, she became even more anxious.

Yun Qian heard Huang's mother crying irritably, and finally said: "I only know that the potted flower was raised by my concubine before, but I don't know how important it is. If I knew, I would definitely not move that flower pot easily."

Huang's mother wiped her tears when she heard the words, and said: "The concubine's words are too much. When you came the day before yesterday, I kept persuading the concubine not to touch the potted flowers. Seeing that I couldn't persuade the concubine, I was still risking The danger of the taboo told the concubine that if the concubine did not have this potted flower, her life would be in danger, but the concubine did not listen to it after all."

Yun Qian couldn't help asking: "Taboo, what taboo?"

Chu Yuanzhou glanced at her and said: "When my concubine was seriously ill, I asked a holy doctor in southern Xinjiang to treat my concubine. He said that my concubine's illness was so serious that I needed to put my soul in flowers. Then find a suitable opportunity to save the mother and concubine. At that time, there was a time limit, but now, it is still one year away from the time limit that the holy doctor said. And there is a saying in Nanjiang's medical skills, that is, when you use that kind of When practicing medical skills, except for the few people who heard it in the room at that time, no one should tell outsiders about hiding the soul of the concubine mother in the flower."

Yun Qian couldn't help being stunned for a moment when she heard these words, but she disdained this kind of cure, hiding her soul in flowers?This thing sounds even more unbelievable than the fact that the Snow Mountain Maiden can see through the past and the future.

She felt that it was impossible to believe Chu Yuanzhou's cleverness, but after thinking about it, Chu Yuanzhou was concerned about Princess Chu's illness. Under such circumstances, Chu Yuanzhou would believe it if there was a chance of life.

As for that Molan, Yunqian also asked the other servants in the palace. That Molan has been opened for many years and has never thanked her. Zhou's attention, but unexpectedly, this matter came first, and everything seemed reasonable to Chu Yuanzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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