Chapter 745 Who is the Murderer
Yun Qian followed King Chu's words and said: "That's right, the bluer the flower, the longer the flowering period, and the more poisonous the flower is. This flower is already dark blue now. If I guessed correctly, it should bloom. It has been at least nine years, so now this flower has become a highly poisonous thing, as long as anyone is splashed by its flower juice, the flower juice seeps through the skin and penetrates into the blood vessels, even if that person has eighteen skills, he will be poisoned to death. "

Hearing this, everyone involuntarily took a big step back, with a bit of surprise in their eyes.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were a bit chilly, and he could already guess where Yun Qian's words were pointing. He couldn't help thinking, could it be that the potted flower poisoned his mother's long-term illness?

The corners of Yunqian's mouth were raised slightly, and she took a step closer to the potted flower and said, "At this time, the flower is intact, and if the poisonous sweat doesn't splash out, it won't hurt anyone, so you don't have to be afraid."

Chu Yuanzhou knew her ability to use poison, but he was still shocked when he heard her tell the story about Ghost Face Youhe.He is so smart. Although Yunqian didn't say it clearly, he could guess more. Recalling the past, he said coldly: "If I remember correctly, the holy doctor in southern Xinjiang was my father. Please come!"

The king of Chu looked a little bad when he heard the words, he coughed lightly, but didn't speak.

The King of Chu and Princess Chu, since they got married, their relationship has been very estranged, and they rarely get together on weekdays, let alone being close.

Ever since Princess Chu fell ill, the King of Chu rarely visited her. The only time Chu Yuanzhou remembered that the King of Chu saw Princess Chu was when it was snowing heavily. The King of Chu had no choice but to lead the man into the door. At that time, he just casually glanced at Princess Chu without even asking a question.

Such a king of Chu has never been in charge of the treatment of Princess Chu's illness. At that time, Chu Yuanzhou had grown up, and he was in charge of most of the things. So that day, the king of Chu brought a doctor from southern Xinjiang back. He was happy, he thought that the King of Chu had changed his mind and knew that he cared about Princess Chu.

But at this moment, after listening to what Yun Qian said, he felt a little cold in his heart, it turned out that...

It turned out that the king of Chu invited the doctor home that day not to save Princess Chu, but to harm Princess Chu!
Chu Yuanzhou was secretly chilled by his conjecture, and was even more disappointed with King Chu.At this moment, the father-son relationship, which was not even considered strong, became extremely thin at this moment.

Yun Qian sighed in her heart, if the King of Chu wanted to harm Princess Chu, this matter would be really troublesome.

Seeing Chu Yuanzhou's eyes, King Chu knew that he had misunderstood, but felt that he couldn't explain this matter clearly anyway, so he glanced at Lu Zhu, who was indifferent.

When the King of Chu saw Lu Zhu's appearance, he also had some guesses in his heart at this time, and felt a little dark.

Those past events that have passed away somehow reappeared in front of his eyes tonight, which made him feel a little panicked, and the brilliance of the oil lamp shone warmly, on the contrary, it made him feel even more chilly in his heart.

Yun Qian said from the side: "My father and my concubine have a deep relationship. It is impossible to do such a thing, and this potted flower should have been black when it was moved in. I once heard Huang's mother say that the mother concubine prefers orchids." , presumably someone with ulterior motives sent this potted flower in!"

(End of this chapter)

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