Chapter 751 Blessed Person
Lu Zhu's heart was also at peace. Seeing the look in Huang's mother's eyes, he was slightly worried, and he also vaguely guessed something in his heart, but he couldn't say it clearly. He was a little nervous after such thoughts, so he said to Yun Qian: " What is the princess doing?"

"Lu Side Concubine is not in a hurry, I will find out later, Lu Side Concubine is good to see." Yun Qian answered calmly.

Chu Yuanzhou’s eyes were full of contemplation, but he glanced at Princess Chu who was lying on the bed. With just that one glance, there was joy in his eyes. At this time, Princess Chu’s complexion was much better than before. Pale, but no longer the lifeless look just now.

He couldn't help but glanced at Yun Qian, but saw that her eyes were extremely quiet, and there was not much expression on her face. Seeing his gaze, she nodded slightly at him, and his heart was at ease again. one cent.

When Lu Zhu saw Chu Yuanzhou looking at Princess Chu, she also took a look. After she saw it, she was a little surprised. She clearly remembered that Princess Chu was looking lifeless just now, but now she was alive again. human breath.

She originally wanted to delay this matter until Princess Chu died, then everything would be a different matter, but she didn't expect such a turnaround, and she couldn't figure out what was going on for a while , but also knew that this matter might have something to do with Yun Qian.

Lu Zhu felt a little regretful in her heart. If she had known this before, she should have told Huang's mother to wait until Princess Chu died completely before she acted. Now she might not have such worries.

It's just that there is nothing to regret in this world, and she can't do anything else besides scolding Mama Huang in her heart.

She said softly: "Sister's complexion seems to be better now."

Hearing this, the King of Chu also took a look at Princess Chu, and he couldn't help but feel melancholy again. Even if she looked better now, she was no longer the same as when he first saw her.

The things between him and her were originally unclear, but he never thought of killing her.

Lu Zhu walked towards Princess Chu slowly. Yunqian knew what she was thinking, and immediately walked to Princess Chu's side, wrapped the quilt for the knife, and said softly: "May God bless your mother and concubine to survive this disaster safely. .”

Her words were like talking to herself, but her eyes were fixed on Lu Zhu, but she saw Lu Zhu's hand slightly stretched out, and she had to shrink back after seeing her gaze.

The eyes of the two met in the air, a little cold, but a bit murderous.

There was a hint of mockery in Yunqian's eyes, but there was a hint of deepness in Lu Zhu's eyes. The two met face to face, and they both had a tacit understanding without saying a word.

After a while, footsteps sounded outside the door, presumably it was Mama Huang and Huanyu who had returned.

Lu Zhu looked at Yun Qian and said, "My sister has always been kind-hearted, so it is natural that auspicious people have their own appearance."

But Yun Qian covered Lu Zhu's whole body with her eyes, and said unhurriedly: "I believe that my concubine is the most blessed person in the world. I met the saint of the snow mountain a few days ago. She taught me a few tricks of physiognomy. Concubine mother He has a thick nose and a well-shaped chin, so he is a very blessed person."

Covered by Yun Qian's eyes, Lu Zhu felt very uncomfortable, so he had to stand up slightly.

When she turned around, she unconsciously glanced at Yun Qian, with a smile on her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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