Chapter 753

Sure enough, after Lu Zhu said these words, Mama Huang turned a corner directly, and she said softly: "This medicine can't be poisonous, that's how I usually drink it for the princess, so it's a matter of repaying virtue with resentment." , How could I do it!"

Yunqian sighed in her heart, but said on the face lightly: "I also believe that Mrs. Huang can't do such a shameless thing, but how should this medicine be explained? Lao Huang's mother will give me an explanation, and give the prince an explanation. Give Shizi an explanation."

Huang's mother was dumbfounded and knelt on the ground without moving.

The King of Chu's expression was already very ugly, he said sharply to Lu Zhu: "Is this how you teach your servants on weekdays? After all these years, you can't see it at all?"

Lu Zhu wept softly and said: "Mother Huang concealed it very well in front of me, I really didn't see anything, this is my negligence of duty, please punish me!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Huang's mother and said, "You really let me down. It's in vain that I have valued you so much all these years! How can I be worthy of my lord, my son, and my sister after you do such a thing!"

After she finished speaking, tears streamed down her face, as if she was really very sad.

The King of Chu snorted coldly and said, "Mother Huang, such a slave with evil intentions, is really vicious, here comes someone, drag it out, chop it up and feed it to the dogs!"

After hearing the words, Yunqian knew that the king of Chu punished people ferociously. Although she hated Mama Huang's behavior very much, she also thought that Chu Yuanzhou might make Mama Huang die a miserable death, but she did not expect that the king of Chu ordered to punish her. Human words are so heavy.

A few guards rushed in to take away Mama Huang, Yunqian understood all this, the so-called ferocity of the King of Chu, presumably she saw the clues of something, the killing at this time was still a bit of a cover-up after all. people mean.

Because as long as Huang's mother dies, many things can be covered up, which is not the result she wants.

So Yun Qian said again: "Wait a minute!"

Chu Yuanzhou was also speaking at the same time as her. Yunqian secretly sighed that she and Chu Yuanzhou still had a tacit understanding, and they looked at each other.

But the King of Chu was a little annoyed and said: "What is there to wait for? This old lowly slave is so vicious, don't you want to intercede for her?"

Yunqian looked into King Chu's eyes and said, "Such a slave would not regret dying, and the prince and I would never intercede for her."

Chu Yuanzhou said from the side: "She harmed my mother and concubine. I have my own opinion on how to punish her without bothering my father."

King Chu frowned slightly, but Yun Qian said again: "I only showed my father two things just now, and there is one thing I didn't show my father."

"What is it?" King Chu said with some helplessness.

Yunqian grabbed the little rabbit that Shuxiu had caught earlier, and then put the rabbit in front of the ghost face Youhe for a while, and then put the rabbit on the ground. The rabbit ran less than three steps on the ground , suddenly fell to the ground, stretched out his four legs, and suddenly lost his strength.

In such a situation, everyone in the room was stunned.

Lu Zhu sighed in her heart. When she heard Yun Qian say those words earlier, she knew that Yun Qian knew about poison, but she didn't listen to Yun Qian's detailed talk about the ghost-faced lotus. She thought Yun Qian was just a half-knowledgeable , but did not expect that Yunqian had already made it clear about the toxicity of Guimian Youhe.

(End of this chapter)

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