Chapter 755
The king of Chu stood there with a deep look, he didn't speak, but Lu Zhu's heart tightened, she said softly: "My lord..."

The King of Chu glanced at her, and finally came back to his senses. He said slowly, "Drag Mama Huang down and feed it to the dogs! There's no need to chop it up."

Lu Zhu was relieved when he heard his words, but seeing King Chu's eyes on her, his eyes were slightly cold, and her heart couldn't help tightening. When the King of Chu invited the envoys from Southern Border into the King's Palace of Chu What's going on, she knew very well.

At this time, King Chu looked at her like this, she could only wait calmly, so there was a bit of puzzled expression in those eyes.

After the king of Chu saw her gaze, his eyes flickered several times, but he didn't speak again after all.

Chu Yuanzhou looked at the king of Chu and said, "Is the father planning to expose this matter?"

King Chu didn't answer, but turned his head to look at Yun Qian and asked, "Will the princess wake up again?"

"I'll do my best." Yun Qian looked at King Chu and said, "Although Ghost Face Youhe is very evil and very poisonous, there are many royal doctors in the palace who have treated Concubine Xianmu over the years. , I don't believe it."

The King of Chu could hear the meaning of Yun Qian's words, and immediately said sharply: "This matter ends here!"

If he was skeptical earlier, now he is [-]% skeptical. Doctors in the palace will know that Lu Zhu will come if he is not there, and he has not been in the palace for most of these years. .

After he finished speaking, he stopped looking at Lu Zhu and strode out. Chu Yuanzhou sternly said, "Stop!"

Only Lao Tzu would tell his son to stop, Chu Yuanzhou was probably the first in history for his son to speak to Lao Tzu like this, and coincidentally, the King of Chu actually listened to him and stopped.

Chu Yuanzhou said coldly: "Father, do you know how the word partiality is written?"

The King of Chu said indifferently: "The matter has passed for many years, and there is nothing to investigate. I was the one who brought the doctor into the palace that day. Do you want to settle accounts with me?"

"I know you were the one who introduced the palace." Chu Yuanzhou sneered and said, "I just want to know what the concubine mother did to make you hate her so much and plan to harm her."

King Chu's gaze was a little dark, but he said extremely calmly: "Although I don't have a good relationship with your concubine mother, it's not enough to kill her."

"It's really nice to say." Chu Yuanzhou's eyes became colder and he said, "I'm afraid that in your heart, you wish for the death of the mother and concubine, and wish to drive our mother and son out of this palace."

"I've never meant that." King Chu's voice was a little soft, he looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Now you have a woman who makes your heart beat, and you know what love is like after thinking about it, if Yunqian is not you The one you love, will you marry her back to Chu Palace?"

The implication of his words is that if he didn't love Princess Chu back then, he wouldn't have married her, and if he loved someone, how could he deliberately harm her like this.Just thinking of the details in the middle, he felt a little dark in his heart, but the various things in the middle could no longer be clearly explained.

"Of course not, I'm not as shameless as you." Chu Yuanzhou's eyes overflowed with murderous aura, and his hands under his sleeves clenched into fists. He was a little disappointed with the King of Chu before, but now he is disappointed to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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