Chapter 759
Up to now, Lu Zhu can't yell at her sister anymore, but he is even more angrily in his heart.
Huanyu has already tidied up the side room and made the bed. Although Madam Huang has not taken good care of Princess Chu here, she still bears the title of a princess. Every year, she buys some new bedding and so on. Neat, there are several brocade quilts in the room.

Because today's matter is a bit special, the two maidservants also accompanied Lu Zhu outside by guarding Princess Chu's bed. Although Lu Zhu wanted to strangle Princess Chu to death, he could only guard by the bed, and Don't dare to take any action.

Chu Yuanzhou and Yunqian were not sleepy tonight, Chu Yuanzhou looked at Lu Zhu's distorted face, the coldness in his eyes became heavier, and there was a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth.

Yun Qian knew what he was thinking, and said softly: "Yuan Zhou, don't worry, the concubine mother is fine, and she hasn't woken up this time because of her weak body. I prescribed her the medicine of calming the mind and strengthening the body, and I want to rest for a few more days." will wake up."

Before she smashed the black orchid flower pot, she had been giving acupuncture for Princess Chu for many days, and she had already bribed the two rough envoy maids, and secretly replaced the soup that Princess Chu drank on weekdays. My mother has never paid much attention to Princess Chu's affairs, and she doesn't understand the principles of medicine. She didn't pay attention to it after the medicine was changed, so she never found out.

Due to her secret recuperation some time ago, Princess Chu's health is much better than before.

When she was more sure about Princess Chu's condition, she administered acupuncture for a few days for Princess Chu, and then changed some medicines for the toxicity of Ghost Face Youlan. I fed Princess Chu a few pills that she carefully formulated, so that Princess Chu's body is getting better day by day, but when Yun Qian gave the medicine to Princess Chu, she put a very special medicine in it. After eating, Princess Chu's complexion looked the same as before.

Yun Qian's exquisite thoughts were done very well, so no one noticed.

Because Chu Yuanzhou wasn't in the palace some time ago, he didn't know about it.

Then, when she had a clue in her mind, she directly smashed the pot of ghost face Youhe, because of this smashing, both Mama Huang and Lu Zhu were disturbed, so she started her hands ahead of time.

Because of Princess Chu's health, Yunqian had also guarded against the two of them doing this, so after she smashed the flowers, she gave Princess Chu a pill that could detoxify ordinary poisons. Princess Chu was protected from being poisoned for three days. She originally thought that the two of them would definitely endure for three days, but she didn't expect that before the three days came, they had an attack first.

And the pill Yunqian fed to Princess Chu still has medicinal properties, so naturally Princess Chu will be fine.

And when preparing the pill, Yunqian also put some thought into it, and added a medicine to the pill, which can make people look extremely ugly when they encounter poison, as if they were dead.

So when Huang's mother came to look for Yunqian tonight, Yunqian's heart was like a mirror.

It's just that the play has to go on after all, since she won't tell the truth about these things, there are all kinds of things tonight.

And this tortuous calculation is the battle between her and Lu Zhu.

Seeing that Chu Yuanzhou still had a bit of worry in his eyes, Yunqian gave a rough account of what had happened in the past few days since he left. Chu Yuanzhou looked at Yunqian strangely after listening.

(End of this chapter)

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