Chapter 764
Chu Yuanzhou heard the noise in the room outside the house, and rushed in very quickly, but saw Princess Chu lying on the bedside with her eyes half-opened, and he called out in surprise: "Mother!"

Concubine Chu was slightly startled when she saw Chu Yuanzhou's appearance, she didn't associate the mature and steady man in front of her with the somewhat capricious young man back then, but she quickly remembered that this was her son.

Ever since she was seriously ill, she never thought about the day when she would wake up, and she was so excited that she fainted immediately.

As soon as Concubine Chu fainted, Chu Yuanzhou became anxious and hurriedly called out: "Qianqian!"

Yunqian heard the commotion in the room early, and hurried over, Chu Yuanzhou said eagerly: "Just now the mother and concubine woke up! But she passed out again, quickly see what's going on?"

Yunqian stretched out her hand to grab Princess Chu's pulse, and said after taking the pulse gently, "It's okay, but the concubine's body is too weak, maybe I saw you were too happy, so I passed out again, later Will wake up."

Yun Qian's assertion was somewhat biased. It was dusk when Princess Chu woke up again. During this time, Chu Yuanzhou stayed by her side, asking Yun Qian over and over again why Princess Chu hadn't woken up yet, and if there was anything wrong. .

Yun Qian just comforted him patiently, saying that he was about to wake up.

When Yun Qian said that she was about to wake up one thousand and one times, Princess Chu finally woke up, and this time her spirit was much better after waking up. She reached out and gently stroked Chu Yuanzhou's face and said, "My Zhou'er is getting more and more handsome."

Chu Yuanzhou didn't expect that the first words Princess Chu said to him after waking up would be like this, and now she smiled and said with tears in her eyes: "I was born by my mother, and my mother is so beautiful, I can't grow up It's too ugly."

Yun Qian felt that the conversation between the two was interesting, but she felt a little warm in her heart. She just remembered that Chu Yuanzhou and Princess Chu had not talked like this for many years, and she felt a little sad.

She stood by the bed with a smile on her face, felt the pulse again for Princess Chu and said: "My concubine only needs to give birth for a while and pull out the remaining elements in her body, and then she will be well again, and Yuan Zhou doesn't have to worry anymore. .”

Concubine Chu turned her head to look at Yun Qian and said, "This girl is dignified and grand, and she calls me concubine mother. Could it be Zhou'er's daughter-in-law?"

Her words were extremely gentle, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. Although her eyes were not very bright, they were shining brightly when she looked at Yun Qian, and she looked very happy.

Yunqian has heard a lot of compliments, but someone like Princess Chu who only saved her life, and who has a very weak breath, praises like this, she felt a little weird for a while, but she also felt that Chu Yuanzhou's temper was afraid A bit like Princess Chu.

She chuckled and replied, "Yes, my name is Yunqian."

Princess Chu nodded lightly, her eyes were full of gentle smiles, but she turned her head to look at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Yun Qian has a good appearance, although she is not as beautiful as the Snow Mountain Saintess, she is still a beauty. Zhou'er, you have a good eye."

When she said this, she seemed to feel that it was not good to say something about Chu Yuanzhou and the Snow Mountain Saintess, and secretly scolded herself that she had been ill for a long time, and her brain was not as bright as before.

So she added another sentence: "Zhou'er has a good-natured personality and is a bit stubborn. Don't worry, with me in the future, I will definitely not let him bully you."

(End of this chapter)

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