Chapter 769
Concubine Chu said it was okay, but she felt very interesting in her heart, and lamented how fast time passed in her heart.As for her already somewhat old body, this kind of pain was really nothing compared to the torture she had suffered all these years.

Yun Qian felt very ashamed, since she knew how to perform acupuncture, she never pricked the wrong acupuncture point, but today she made such an ugly appearance, she secretly felt that it was Chu Yuanzhou's fault.

She wanted to stare at Chu Yuanzhou again, but when she saw Princess Chu's unglamorous eyes looking at her with a smile that was not a smile, she suddenly felt a little unnatural, and her face blushed unconsciously. Concentrate on concentrating on the needle for Princess Chu.

She wanted to stay and take care of Princess Chu after getting the needle for Princess Chu, but Princess Chu smiled and said: "Although I am old and ill for a long time, I am not the kind of person who does not know what to do. You young people have your own affairs. , don’t worry about me, an old woman, Huanyu and Shuxiu are here to serve you, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Because Yunqian came to Chu Palace for a short time, and only brought Huanyu and Shuxiu two maidservants over, and because of what happened to Huang's mother earlier, neither Yunqian nor Chu Yuanzhou dared to use it rashly, so they had to go first. Pull Huanyu and Shuxiu over.

Yun Qian felt even more embarrassed when she heard the words, and she just said, "I feel more at ease by my concubine's side."

"Are you worried about your medical skills?" Princess Chu asked with a smile.

Yun Qian shook her head, Princess Chu said again: "That's it, I feel a lot refreshed today, and I don't think there is anything wrong, it's good to have Huanyu and Shuxiu guarding, and they will call you if something happens. You and Zhou'er worked hard all night yesterday, so it's time for him to rest."

Chu Yuanzhou had already embraced her waist and said: "Mother is right, Qianqian, let's go back to rest first, and come to accompany mother when I wake up in the middle of the night. Don't cure mother, but you are tired. sick."

Yun Qian said softly, "I'm not that delicate."

Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile: "We still live in the side room. If something happens, you can hear my mother yelling. Let's go for a walk and rest first."

He walked to the door and blinked at Princess Chu. Princess Chu's eyes were also full of smiles. Looking at the two of them, she felt that she had suddenly become younger. As a mother, as long as Chu Yuanzhou can get happiness for her Feel better than anything.

Yun Qian also knew that as long as Princess Chu woke up, she would be fine, and her body would be rested on recuperation from now on, so she really couldn't be in a hurry, so she had to be dragged into the room by Chu Yuanzhou.

Nothing happened that night, Princess Chu slept peacefully, but the porter called the door early the next morning, just because she was afraid that Princess Chu would rest, and the voice was a little low. Huanyu was on duty that night, and when she heard the sound, she opened the door and asked a few words Then he said he knew and asked the concierge to go back first.

While eating breakfast, Huanyu said to Yun Qian: "Concubine Shizi, the Yunfu sent a message early this morning, saying that the eldest lady is getting married tomorrow, and the master wants you to go back to Yunfu today to accompany the eldest daughter." Miss, and send her to get married tomorrow."

Yun Qian felt a little funny when she heard this sentence, she and Yun Yan had no friendship at all, it could be described as incompatible.

And according to the customs of Dazhou, there are also rumors of sisters who got married first to help arrange the marriage, but for Yun Qian, these things are somewhat unwilling to do these things.

(End of this chapter)

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