Chapter 772 You are welcome
When Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou walked to a secluded place, they said: "Today, my father wants to come to you for something, so you should give him some face."

"I think Yun Xiang is the kind of person who can't bear other people's face." Chu Yuanzhou said unhurriedly: "I really treat him well. I'm afraid I will make more progress in the future, and I will be annoying in the future." , it would be better to dismiss him quickly."

Yun Qian felt that his eyes were poisonous, and she had a deep understanding of Yun Jingyan's temperament, so she smiled immediately, and Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows and said, "What's so funny, I used to respect him as your father, I still have three points of politeness to him, and now I know the truth, so I don’t need to be too polite to him with his virtue. It’s just that he is carrying his name, so I won’t be too rude to him.”

Yun Qian raised his eyebrows, and Chu Yuanzhou added: "Besides, I have never been polite to my father, so why should I be polite to him?"

Yun Qian praised: "Your Majesty, the bowl of water is as expected, and the two fathers treat each other equally."

Chu Yuanzhou gave her a blank look and said, "I think both of us are suffering, and the father who is in the stall is very clueless."

In this dynasty that emphasizes filial piety, such a conversation between the two is somewhat shocking. Yun Qian coughed lightly and said, "Maybe it will be better if you train it slowly!"

"Tutoring?" Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "Qianqian, I think you use this word seriously, which is really extraordinary."

The corner of Yunqian's mouth twitched slightly, but she felt that this sentence was just a joke. Both Yun Jingyan and the king of Chu were big figures, and they were also powerful figures. It took a lot of skill to train these two people. I didn't make such a plan, but it was just a joke.

The two of them had passed through the lotus pond in Yunfu while they were talking. It was midsummer at this time, and the lotus inside was in full bloom. Yunqian thought it was a bit funny when she thought about beating Su Qiaohui here that day. , she no longer needs to pretend to be crazy and foolishly live.

There are more people going to the lotus pond, carrying some things back and forth.

Yun Qian arrived in front of Mo Chou's hut, and Mo Chou was telling Shu Yue what to do, her body was full of things, and the room was slightly messy.

Yun Qian called her aunt, Mo Chou raised her head, her face was full of joy, she put down all the work in her hands, and greeted her with a smile: "Qian'er is back!"

Yunqian knew that Mochou's temperament was relatively cold, so it was a very enthusiastic reaction to say this at this time, she also grinned, Mochou gently pulled her over, and saw that the room was full of herself The man said: "Yesterday your father said he would call you back to help, but I can't persuade you. It's your turn to worry about such things."

Yun Qian smiled and said: "Anyway, she is also my elder sister. My father has already opened his mouth. How can I not come back?"

She also has her own plans when she comes back. Yun Yan has plotted against her so many times and even endangered her life a few times. This time she has such a good opportunity, she will naturally not let it go.

Mo Chou sighed lightly, and said with a sullen expression on her face, "When you and Yunzheng got married that day, the house was in a mess. Although I prepared some things, it was not as meticulous as the eldest lady's wedding. Your father has to ask about everything, lest I, the aunt, be short of something from the eldest lady."

(End of this chapter)

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