Chapter 776 Another calculation
In fact, things are not as simple as what Chu Yuanzhou said. He made things so simple because he didn't want Yun Qian to worry and get angry about these things.

When he was waiting for Yun Qian outside the door just now, he was very bored. When he saw a bird's nest on the tree, he used lightness kung fu to climb up to have a look. Unexpectedly, when he got to the tree, he saw Yun Chu sneaking around to the side Behind the wall, he had nothing to do, so he leaned over and listened.

It's good if he doesn't listen, but when he hears it, he gets annoyed, that bastard Yun Chu actually tried to harm Yun Qian, he always insists on revenge, and thinks it's a bit vulgar for men to use women's crooked teaching methods.

It was precisely because he had such thoughts in his heart, so he pretended to be a coincidence and walked over. Yun Chu was surprised when he saw him, but instead made a show in front of him because of his guilty conscience.

Chu Yuanzhou never allowed anyone to show off in front of him, let alone a person he had always looked down upon, so he naturally made a move and threw Yun Chu into the pool, and what happened next Yun Qian saw everything.

Yunqian coughed lightly and said, "Yuan Zhou really acted extraordinary, it cannot be seen with common sense."

"That's natural." Chu Yuanzhou was not humble either, and said coldly, "Lady, did you only know about it today?"

Yun Qian didn't know how to answer, but he already rubbed her forehead with a smile, then sighed softly and said, "I really don't know how your life in Yunfu used to be."

He sighed from the bottom of his heart. Although he knew something about Yun Qian in Yunfu earlier, he didn't think it was too outrageous. But after seeing Yun Chu today, he felt that the life she had lived in the past It's really not a day, he has to pamper her well in the future, and let her make up for all the grievances she suffered in the past many years.

Yun Qian didn't understand why his words jumped so fast for a while, but she still said very calmly: "Well, my life is actually very good, exciting and exciting."

Chu Yuanzhou looked at Yunqian with more tenderness in his eyes, and said softly: "I think it's better to live a simpler life, don't you think?"

Yun Qian smiled, but he said again: "From now on, let's live a simple life."

Yun Qian nodded, and Mo Chou felt more at ease watching from the side.

After Yun Chu left, he went back to his room and changed his clothes. Thinking of the fright he suffered today and the humiliation he suffered at the hands of Chu Yuanzhou, he really felt that it was a great shame in his life.

When he was with the First Prince, he always felt that everyone around him respected him and no one dared to be rude to him, but now Chu Yuanzhou dared to tease him like this!

Yun Chu also knew that the possibility of finding his father to help him get justice is very small, and now the only one who can vent his anger on him is the eldest prince. With this thought in his heart, he decided to wait for Yun Yan to get married Afterwards, she went to find the eldest prince, and wanted to use the elder prince's hand to vent her anger.

He even felt that Chu Yuanzhou had some misfortune with the eldest prince because of the Zizhu Forest matter last time, as long as he interfered with it again, there would definitely be no place for Chu Yuanzhou to be arrogant.

Thinking of this, he felt more at ease, his eyes were as cold as ice.

After he changed his clothes, Yun Yan came and asked him as soon as she saw him: "Brother, I just heard that you and Chu Yuanzhou had a fight, did he hurt you?"

(End of this chapter)

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