Chapter 798
Because of Yunluo's marriage, Liu Ying also hated Su Qiaohui in her heart, so she didn't take any substantive actions.

Seeing Su Qiaohui's appearance, and seeing the faces of everyone in Yunfu, Yunchu felt a lot of hatred in his heart, but at this moment, he couldn't express it.

Yunqian sat in the carriage, her eyes were slightly lowered, Chu Yuanzhou looked at her and said, "Do you feel happy in your heart?"

"I don't know." Yunqian knew what he was referring to. She had been bullied by Su Qiaohui's mother and daughter for many years, and she planted a big disaster on Yunyan today, which was considered a bad breath, but what she was thinking at this moment But there are many, and a little bit of melancholy was born for a while.

Chu Yuanzhou reached out and took her into his arms and said, "Don't worry, with me here, I will never let anyone bully you again."

Yun Qian smiled lightly and said, "You have your own things to worry about. I can still handle some small things in the backyard. But if I can't handle it someday, I still need you to take the lead for me."

Chu Yuanzhou reached out and stroked her back lightly, his eyes were full of tenderness.

Chu Mo was riding on the horseback, looking at the dark sky, he only felt that his mood was as deep as this sky. He originally thought that God would rain halfway, but God gave him face very much. It was not until he arrived at the palace that the rain fell like beans.

When he took Yun Yan out of the sedan chair and was about to step over the brazier, a gust of wind blew and completely overturned the brazier. Concubine De saw it, her eyes were full of displeasure. Someone married Chu Mo to Yun Yan in front of Concubine De. After roughly talking about what happened at that time, Concubine De's eyes became more unhappy, but she only softly ordered the servant to find another brazier.

There should have been many etiquettes in the prince's grand wedding, but due to the weather, more than half of those etiquettes were saved. After all the arrangements, it was almost like an ordinary big family getting married.

After Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou got off the carriage, they first watched the ceremony in front of the hall, and then they were led to the banquet of the female relatives in the backyard, but they saw Chu Han's looking around at the corner, and she hurriedly used Covering his face with his sleeves, he took Yunzheng and strode away.

Yunzheng squinted at Chu Han, and then saw Yunqian's appearance, she felt clear in her heart, raised her eyebrows slightly, but didn't say anything, and wanted to use her body to cover Yunqian slightly, but her body could Turning around, Chu Han's eyes have already looked over.

Yun Qian pretended to turn around very naturally, but it was too late.

Chu Han's voice came from her ears: "The lady next to Mrs. Ye Shao, please stay."

Yunqian thought for a while before she realized that the Mrs. Ye Shao that Chu Han was referring to was Yunzheng, and the lady next to Yunzheng was naturally referring to her.

She blinked her eyes slightly, and then walked forward as if nothing had happened.

Chu Han became anxious when he saw her back, and immediately said loudly: "Ni Qusi, stop!"

His roar was full of energy. Chu Mo got married today, and there were many people who came to watch the ceremony. Hearing his roar, most of them turned their heads and looked over, their eyes were full of surprise, and they were curious about their age. Who is the seventh prince, who is old but always old, going to die?

Yunzheng almost didn't laugh out loud when she heard the word Ni Qusi. She knew Yunqian's temperament, and secretly sighed that Yunqian was really a talent, and she got such a name.

(End of this chapter)

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