Chapter 800
Yunqian's reaction was quick, she ran away as soon as she saw Chu Han, and when Chu Han yelled, she had already walked a long way along the Chaoshou corridor. At that time, everyone's attention was on Yunzheng and Chu Han, No one noticed her either.

Most of the wives and ladies who came to Chu Mo’s wedding today were dressed up in red, red and green, and there were quite a few of them in purple clothes. He only mentioned one person in purple clothes, and half of the ladies and ladies beside him laughed. stand up.

The older lady said: "Could it be that the Seventh Prince wants to get married because he saw that the Third Prince got married?"

The younger lady said: "The Seventh Prince has been talking about women in purple clothes. Could it be that some lady in purple clothes has his eye on today?"

The older lady said: "Just now the Seventh Prince said to let the lady in purple dress 'Ni Qusi', who must have made a grudge with!"

The younger lady said: "The Seventh Prince calls the woman in purple his wife. I think that woman has already been married. Could it be that the Seventh Prince has taken a fancy to the newly married wife?"

Anytime you say anything.

It was only then that Chu Han realized that he was standing among the women, and the smell of makeup and powder came over his face, which made him feel a little annoyed, and when he heard the women pointing and pointing, he was even more annoyed.

Concubine Xi glanced at Chu Han and said, "This is the backyard, where the women's relatives use their seats. If the Seventh Prince still remembers the teachings of Concubine De, he shouldn't be standing here at this time."

Among the female relatives, Princess Xi has the highest seniority, so it is appropriate for her to say that about Chu Han.

Chu Han couldn't keep his face from being robbed by Princess Xi. He also felt extremely uncomfortable when he saw the wives and ladies all around him smiling at him, so he bit his lip lightly. Then turn around and walk away.

When Chu Han left, he felt a little sad in his heart. He felt that even though he was far away, and he only saw half of Yun Qian's face, his heartbeat quickened, and the appearance of that face had already been engraved into his heart. into his heart.

But he was cheated by that woman twice in a row!
He felt ashamed about this matter, until now, he hadn't even figured out who that woman was.

Up to now, the only thing he can be sure of is that the woman must have something to do with Yunfu, or she may be a young lady of Yunfu, but he has thought about all the images of all the young ladies in Yunfu, and feels that no one can have that kind of girl. The bearing of a woman.

He sighed softly, and felt that if he had persisted just now, or walked a little faster, he might have been able to see the woman.

If this wasn't Chu Mo's big wedding, he thought it would be worthwhile to make a fuss about that woman, but today is Chu Mo's big wedding, and he can't let him mess around with everything.

He felt a little depressed when he thought about it like this, but he remembered that the banquet would end after all, as long as she came to Ming Palace today, then she would definitely go out, and he was guarding the door, so he didn't believe that she wouldn't come out!

Seeing Chu Han leaving, Yunzheng's eyes darkened a bit, and she just thought that the Seventh Prince was interesting, but why did Yunqian provoke such a person, and she didn't know how Yunqian would pass this test today.

After Chu Han left, Princess Xi glanced at Yunzheng again, walked in front of her and said in a low voice, "When I came here just now, I seemed to see Mrs. Ye Shao and Princess Shizi walking together."

(End of this chapter)

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