Chapter 808 Something Happened
There was a bit of displeasure in Chu Mo's eyes, and he thought to himself that the person who caused trouble in front of the Yunfu gate today might be Chu Yuan's person, and there was already a chill in his eyes, but he said lightly: "Brother Huang is the elder brother!" I shouldn't have gotten married before the emperor's brother, I don't know when I will be able to drink the emperor's wedding wine?"

Chu Yuan's complexion froze, and he said calmly: "If I want to marry a wife, I will definitely choose from thousands of choices. I will choose a woman with excellent morals and looks. The queen mother is helping me find one, so I don't need my third brother to be my elder brother." I'm worried."

Chu Yuan is very masculine, and his family is full of actors. Earlier, the empress had chosen several women for him, but they did not get married because of various things. Although this matter is well known, it is not easy to put it on the stage. is another matter.

There are thorns in Chu Mo's words, and there are also thorns in Chu Yuan's words. Chu Yuan moved the queen out to tell the queen of Chu Mo that she will pick more people than the concubine De, and she will never pick someone as morally corrupt as Yunyan woman.

Although these words were not fully explained on the surface, the meaning was known to everyone, and the atmosphere was a little tense for a while.

Chu Yuanzhou laughed and said: "Then we will all wait to drink the wedding wine of the eldest prince."

As soon as he spoke, there were echoing voices all around, and Chu Mo was full of unhappiness, but he couldn't express it.

Chu Mo felt a little bored, turned and left.

Ye Wuchen watched the farce from the side, his eyes were cold, and he only focused on drinking with his wine glass.

At this moment, a man came over with two jars of wine in his arms. Halfway through, he tripped for some reason. The jar of wine in his hand hit Chu Yuan's head directly, and Chu Yuan's head was broken. Chu Mo stood there in a daze.

What Chu Mo was stunned was not Chu Yuan's cut in the head, but the man holding the wine. If he remembered correctly, the man holding the wine was the one who just said at the gate of Yunfu that he had an affair with Yun Yan. people.

At that time Yun Jingyan asked someone to send the man to the government office, but now he showed up here, if he didn't have any background and origin, it would be impossible for him to escape.

And in Beijing, there are only a few princes and princes who can release people like this.

But the lords in Beijing are all self-confident about their status and status, and they will definitely not make such a joke with him, a junior.

He faintly felt that there was something behind this incident, which was by no means as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Chu Mo was about to grab the man with quick eyes and hands, but Chu Yuan just bumped into him and wanted to reach out to grab the man, and the two collided immediately.

Seeing this scene from the side, Chu Yuanzhou rolled his eyelids, and after a while, it began to look lively.
But at the moment the two collided, the man walked away with oil on his feet.

Chu Mo said angrily: "Stop!"

How could the man listen to him, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Today was his big wedding, and there were many guests, but the guards who usually followed him were guarding the front yard today, not by his side.

Chu Mo's eyes burst out with murderous intent, and he hurriedly ordered people to chase after him, but there were so many guests today, and the guests in front didn't know what happened, so the man walked out swaggeringly.

Chu Mo was anxious, so he stretched out his hand to make Chu Yuan, Chu Yuan said angrily: "Even though the third emperor is very dissatisfied with me, today is your day of great joy, you are the biggest, but at this time, in front of so many people Should I give an explanation for smashing my head in the face?"

(End of this chapter)

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