Chapter 810
When Chu Mo heard Chu Yuan's words, he felt a little clear in his heart. He thought to himself that Chu Yuan remembered his hatred because of that incident, so this time he came to revenge him. At this time, Chu Yuan asked his own people to kill him. Breaking his head was clearly a bitter trick.

Chu Mo did not take that person down, and there is no evidence at this time. At this time, the people around him have surrounded a large circle, and the princes are all trying to persuade him to fight. His heart has calmed down a lot. He is writing down what happened today. up.

Chu Yuanzhou saw that the relationship between the two of them had already been tied up today, and tried to persuade him to fight: "It's just a misunderstanding. That person clearly sneaked into the palace. It is impossible for the third prince to send someone to beat the eldest prince in his own palace. Zhu Yuanzhou Imperial doctor, come quickly and show the eldest prince the injury."

After he finished speaking, he pulled Chu Yuan to sit down again, and the fifth prince, Chu You, went to pull Chu Mo, pulling the two of them farther away.

It’s fine if he didn’t say that, but when he said that, Chu Yuan was annoyed for three minutes. Although he was pulled to sit down by Chu Yuanzhou, the fire in his heart burned even hotter. He said coldly: “Royal Father I have always praised Ming Wang for being smart. The more impossible this kind of thing is, the more I do it, the less suspicious I will be. My head was broken here today, and Ming Wang doesn’t think I should give me an explanation. ?"

At this time, he had recovered from the dizziness that had just been broken, and when he calmed down, he spoke more forcefully.

When Chu Yuan said this, there was more chill in Mo's heart, and it verified his conjecture just now. He felt that Chu Yuan came here to make trouble today, and breaking his head at this time was his bitter plan.

Chu Mo sneered and said, "It is right to give Brother Da Huang an explanation. After I catch that man, I will definitely give Brother Da Huang an explanation."

Chu Yuan also sneered and said, "Catch that man? You were the only one who let him go, but how can you catch him back? You've made it clear that you are trying to harm me!"

"That man just now, I'm afraid Brother Dahuang let him go!" Chu Mo's eyes were filled with coldness.

Chu Yuan said coldly: "Ming Wang is really getting more and more capable, and he can really turn right and wrong into black and white."

When Chu Mo heard his words, he felt that he didn't want to admit it. Chu You said from the side: "I think this matter is just a misunderstanding. Today is the day when the third brother is very happy. Let's go drink."

After he finished speaking, he pulled Chu Mo to the side.

Chu Yuanzhou was also there to persuade Chu Yuan: "The fifth prince is right. This matter must be a misunderstanding. The eldest prince does not need to take it to heart."

At this time, Imperial Physician Zhu had finished bandaging the wound on Chu Yuan's head, Chu Yuan stood up abruptly and said, "Prince Ming is so arrogant and pampered, this prince can't afford this glass of wedding wine!"

After he said that, he walked out with a flick of his sleeves.

Chu Yuanzhou made a gesture to stop him, and then he could not help but walk out with a group of followers.

Because of such a fuss, the atmosphere in the meeting cooled down.

Chu Yuan and Chu Mo have always been at odds, but they are still polite when they meet in the open.

Chu Yuan's ability is very clear to the ministers in the court. If he is not the eldest son, he is afraid that he is nothing. With the support of the queen these years, he seems to have made progress, but when it comes to personal ability and ability to govern the country, it is true. It's too horrible to look at. Even if such a prince succeeds to the throne, he will never be a famous emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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