Chapter 812
Ye Wuchen swung Chu Yuanzhou's hand away, but he gave a smirk and moved his fingers slightly. Ye Wuchen felt a strong force coming, and Chu Yuanzhou slowly got up again, and he immediately slapped his ass. Sitting on the ground, the bench tilted up high due to the force, and hit Ye Wuchen's face with a "bang", causing a big bump on his forehead and bleeding from his nose. bleeding.

Chu Yuanzhou spread his hands innocently, and said openly: "It was you who let me let go."

Ye Wuchen glared at him, turned his head and ignored him, but he turned his face closer to Ye Wuchen and said, "Are you a little disappointed about what happened tonight?"

Ye Wuchen didn't speak, Chu Yuanzhou laughed again: "You look like a bear, I'm afraid that you are not qualified to pour Yexiang in Chu Palace."

Ye Wuchen sat on the ground and did not speak, but Chu Yuanzhou was already whistling and looking for someone to drink. He has always been flamboyant, and recently he has gained the emperor's attention. There are many ministers in the court who want to curry favor with him, but it is just his temper. He was always unpredictable, and they didn't dare to touch his tiger's butt. Now he took the initiative to find someone to drink, and a group of ministers immediately surrounded him.

Chu Yi still sat there without moving. Seeing that Chu Yuanzhou had started drinking with those courtiers, he thought it was a bit funny. It seemed that if Chu Yuanzhou wanted to adapt to any environment, it would only take a little time.

Chu Yuanzhou is bold and intelligent. In the past, he often had drinks with the lieutenants in the tent during wars. How could those ministers be his opponents? It took only a quarter of an hour, and many ministers were overwhelmed by him. flushed.

Chu Yi looked at the bustle in front of Chu Yuanzhou, and wanted to have another drink, but he didn't want to drink it, but it was empty, only to find that when Chu Yuanzhou left, he had brought the jug with wine on his table. After leaving, all that is left on the table is an empty jug.

He got up and wanted to drink a glass of wine by himself, but he saw that Ye Wuchen had already been helped up. When he walked over, Ye Wuchen just stood up, and the two looked at each other. He nodded his head lightly as a greeting.

Chu Yi turned his head to leave, but Ye Wuchen asked, "When did the second prince know the concubine?"

Chu Yi didn't expect Ye Wuchen to ask him like this. He remembered what Yun Qian said to him before, and now he just said lightly: "Does this matter have something to do with Ye Gongzi?"

He didn't have much contact with Ye Wuchen, but he had heard Ye Wuchen's name a long time ago, but he didn't have a good impression.

Ye Wuchen glanced at him, then narrowed his eyes and said: "It doesn't matter, the second prince and I can be regarded as the same people in the same way."

After he said this, he left. Chu Yi thought for a while before he understood what he meant by the phrase "a fellow man". It presumably meant that both of them loved Mu Yunqian, but Yunqian chose Chu Yuan. boat thing.

Ye Wuchen's words were vague and simple, but they were full of provocations, but they were provocative just right. One more sentence would make Chu Yi disgusted, and one less sentence would not express the meaning clearly.

Thinking of Yun Qian, Chu Yi's eyes darkened, but he shook his head lightly. He is a person who attaches great importance to feelings, but he knows that some feelings should be broken, so Ye Wuchen found the wrong person this time.

Chu Yi turned his head to leave, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a note on the ground. Ye Wuchen was standing here just now, and he thought that this note was dropped by Ye Wuchen.

(End of this chapter)

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