Chapter 814
Sitting was a bit boring, almost all the ladies in Yunfu came except Yunyan, who was grounded. Yunqian and the ladies in Yunfu didn't have much to say, they just took Yunzheng and sat in a secluded place to drink tea.

Yunluo took a look at Yunqian, with some envy and jealousy in her eyes. She felt that she hadn't seen her for just over a month, and Yunqian's demeanor was better than when she was in Yunfu. She thought of her marriage with Su Dongyan And a little dark.

She walked slowly in front of Yunqian and sat down on the chair next to her. Yunqian was chatting with Yunzheng at first, but when she saw her approaching, her eyes became a little colder, but her face remained the same.

Yunluo said softly: "I heard that the son treats Fifth Sister very well."

Yun Qian took a sip of tea and said, "It's okay."

Yunzheng took a look at Yunluo, took a sip of tea, and her complexion paled.

Yunluo knew that Yunzheng was a little annoyed with her, so she immediately asked, "Second sister, how does brother-in-law treat you?"

"It's okay." Yunzheng said lightly.

Seeing that the two of them were so indifferent, Yunluo twisted the veil lightly, but sighed softly and said, "Second Sister is still angry with me?"

Yunzheng didn't speak, but Yunluo lowered her eyelids, and said softly: "I also persuaded my aunt about the second sister and brother-in-law, but my aunt said that was what mother wanted, and she couldn't do anything about it."

"It's all over." Yunzheng said unhurriedly.

Yunluo looked up at her and said: "The day the second sister came back, I said it too much, so don't take it to heart."

Yunzheng remained silent, but Yunluo said softly: "I was thinking about what happened that day, but actually I didn't think that way in my heart."

Yunzheng's eyes were deep, and Yunluo bit her lips lightly before saying: "The eldest sister married the third prince, the second sister married Ye Gongzi, and the fifth sister married the prince of Chu, all of them are the best. Talent, only me..."

She sniffed lightly when she said this, glanced at Yunqian and then at Yunzheng and said, "If the second sister and the fifth sister have a chance to speak to my father for me, please ask him to tell me about my marriage with the Su family." Retire! I really don't want to marry him."

When Yun Luo heard Yun Luo's words, she understood what she was thinking. It turned out that Yun Luo saw that all the sisters in the Yun Mansion were married well, and only Su Dongyan, whom she wanted to marry, was an out-and-out playboy. She was unbalanced in her heart, and she had the cheek to come to Yunzheng and Yunqian at this time, but she just wanted to use their current status to find a good marriage for her.

Because Yunqian and Yunluo have always been robbed, although Yunluo and Yunzheng had a bit of trouble last time, the two were born of the same mother after all, Yunluo pretended to be so pitiful, but she came to find family affection Card.

Yunzheng remained silent, and Yunqian took a sip of tea and said, "Fourth sister's marriage was arranged by my mother, and the Su family is my mother's natal family. I heard that when my father married my mother, he said that the Su family was a famous family. , fourth sister is mocking father's bad eyesight?"

Yunluo was stunned for a moment, and just about to deny it, Yunqian said flatly: "General Su is in charge of military affairs, he is highly regarded by the emperor, and Young Master Su is General Su's favorite treasure. Although it is not as good as the prime minister's mansion in the court, it is still quite important. The fourth sister does not want to marry into the general's mansion, but which son does she like? If she likes it, tell her father in detail. And I won't stop Fourth Sister from finding her own happiness."

(End of this chapter)

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